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° In the morning°
I woke up before my alarm went off I turned it off and got ready I double checked to see if I was missing anything nope I just had to get a sweater in case the plane ride was cold I put on my Nike slides on and but a lazy outfit so I could be comfortable on the plane  ((outfit  ↓↓))

And my hair in a bun then I went downstairs to get something to eat " Good morning mom " " Good morning are you ready we leave in a few"  she said putting on her jacket and walking to me " Ya let me just get an apple"  I grabbed an apple and went ...

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And my hair in a bun then I went downstairs to get something to eat " Good morning mom " " Good morning are you ready we leave in a few"  she said putting on her jacket and walking to me " Ya let me just get an apple"  I grabbed an apple and went to grab my bags " Ok I'm ready.. Is the car open so I can put the bags inside? " " Ya..let me lock the door first" she locked the door and we drove to the airport. She helped me get threw the  security and other things " I'll miss you so much honey"  she said hugging me " I'll miss you to mom"  I hugged her back " We are now boarding the plane to LA " the lady at the front gate said on the speaker " Bye I love you I'll see you soon" " I love you to " we both hugged again and I waved at her as I walked to the gate..I boarded the plane and plugged my earphones in and went to sleep for the next 5 hours
" Excuse me ma'am the plane is about to land"  a flight attendant told me waking me up " Ok thank you"  I yond and took my earphones out and put them in my pocket..after the plane landed I got my bag and got off I was walking to where the luggage Jasmin and got mine then I walked around to fine Logan but I couldn't find him so I texted him

Jasmin😈~ Hey where are you at??

Jasmin😈~ Logan I'm waiting for you at the airport or did forget?!

Logan🤡~ Omg I'm so sorry I did I had a photo shoot today and forgot.

Jasmin😈~Now what?

Logan🤡~ I'll ask Ayla and see if she cab pick you up sorry again.

Jasmin😈~ Its fine bye.

Uhh great he forgot but at least I get to see Ayla I haven't seen her in so long but I was getting thirsty so I got a strawberry fresher at Starbucks ((my fav😂 I dont really like the coffee there I like java better))  I walked to the front of the airport and waited until Ayla came for me " Flower!! " I turned around and saw Ayla waving at me " Ayla! " I ran to and hugged her picking her up a little bc of how small she is " Look at you your so big and beautiful how've you been?" 
" Good and thank you Ayla is Logan still picking on you " I said laughing " Ya but I can handle him " she said with a giggle. We both got in the car and drove to logans place " So when will Logan be back from the photoshoot?"
" He should be back in an hour until then want to watch some movies? "  she walked to the living room and turned the t.v on " Sure" I said sitting next to her " What happened while I was in Ohio ?"  " Not much Logan is starting to make some music with a band and Jake got married" she said looking at the t.v looking for a movie.
" Wait what!..and you say not much that is a lot I didn't know my brother got married and Logan is now famous well more then he already was " I giggled and then I heard the door open
" Jasmin!!" Logan said running up to me and hugging me " Hey Logan " I said hugging back " So is it true your making music? "
" Ya with my boys" he said making a weird ass face " Boys ? Who" 
" Why dont we" I just looked at him like he was crazy " Why dont we what?" " Really its the boy band I'm working with you haven't heard about them." he said sitting next to me " No " " Oh well there this boy band and are amazing at signing you should listen to there song Something different" he took out his phone and showed me the video

They where all so hot and and an amazing voice like angels (😂)
" Logan what's there names "
" Daniel Zach Jack Jonah and Corbyn " I didnt know who was who but I'll look them up in a bit " Oh and Ayla " he said taking out a plate from his pants " No Logan Stop!!" Ayla ran towards the door but Logan stopped her and threw the plate to the ground " Ahhhh Logan your so stupid now clean this up" " Why would you do that " I said laughing at Logan and Ayla " Its just fun to mess with her" he said trying to get Ayla off of him " Your the weirdest person ever" " But you love me " Logan said making a kissy face " Eww no " I punched him away " Wow I feel loved " he made a sad face then laughed " Logan can we go visit Jake tomorrow its still early so I'm going to take a nap "  "Ok  that room us yours " He said pointing to a bedroom " Ok thank you " I took my bags to my room and took my sweater off and got in bed and fell asleep. *3 hours later*
" Logan!! " Some one yelled " THASSS MAH BOIII !! " Logan yelled back..uhh how I'm I going to sleep I walked out hoping to see Ayla and Logan yelling but boii was u wrong it was 5 guys and Logan sitting on the couch until one looked at me and said " Uhh Logan who is that? " " Who Daniel- Jasmin! You don't have pants on!". oh shit thats right I ran back to my room and but on some short..omg thats so embarrassing " Ok who saw huh" I heard Logan yell from outside I walked out again like nothibg happened  " Logan stop yelling "  " Well maybe next time dont walk out with just your underwear" he said looking at me angry yet playfully  "Oh and these are those guys I showed you Why dont we "

yes the boiis are now here dbdjbcbxj next chapter is going to be better promise ❤

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