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        🕸Jasmin's POV🕸
"Do you want another one?" Logan asked " No its fine..did you get the stuff for your vlog?" I asked seeing he had nothing in his hands " Oh they ran out I have to come back later for them" he said " Did you guys get the stuff we needed to" he asked " Ya " Evan said holding up bags to show him " Ok then were all set let's go "  we walked back to the car but met some fans at the away out " Logan I love you!"
" Dwarf Mamba!". " Who is she ?" A boy asked **Logan hasn't told anyone about me because he didn't want me to get hate**
Logan didn't answer and just took pics and we got inside the car Brandon was driving because Logan was to lazy to " Hmm Ethan.?". Logan said out loud
" Why are you still thinking about that guy?" I asked " I heard that name some where be for" he said " ...Oh right Ethan Dolan he has a twin brother named Grayson Dolan " he said " How do you know?". "They have a YouTube challenge and those kids man let me just say their something else.." He said ...**Twins huh well he was cute like really cute so does the other one look like him to?** I thought to my self  **I'll just check them out later **
~At home
"Kong!" Logan said running to him dramatically " I'm going to get packing you should too!" I said walking upstairs" Stop trying to adult me!" I heard him yell I starting packing more clothes because I forgot somethings then some make-up but I Dont really use it but in case we go somewhere my contacts, my slides and Nike's
Almost an hour latter I finished
" Finally " I said falling on my bed " Jasmin the boys are here!" I heard Logan yell " What!" Crap I look like..well crap my hair is messy and I have short shorts on with a T-shirt " Hey" i heard someone say I turned and saw the guys standing by my door "Hey " I said trying to fix my hair
" You all packed " jack said looking around my room " Ya sorry for the mess I didn't know what to take so I thew everything every where" I said
" Want help cleaning?" he asked
" No it's fine...but can you guys get out so I can change I look like trash" " No you look beautiful" Zach said " Wow Zach" I heard Corbyn say " Well its true " he said scratching the back of his head " Thank you " I said smiling also knowing I might look stupid because I must be pink " Ok then if you think I'm fine looking like this " I said and walked downstairs with them to the kitchen "You guys want anything?" I asked " Water" Daniel and Jonah said "Ok" I handed them a water and walked to the living room "Want to play COD?" " You play?" Jonah said
" Ugh ya..maybe even better then you" I said with a smirk " Fine then let's find out "  He said we played for an hour until Jonah bet me " F*ck!" I said " What did you say Jasmin huh say it again" Jonah said teasing me " Shut up I went easy on you" I said laughing
" Ya I'm sure you did" he said
We traded off and played until midnight " Shouldn't you guys get going its late" I said " Ya " they said getting up and putting their sweaters back on " I'm driving!" Zach said " No!" All the guys said
" Fine Rude" he said " I'll see you tmmw princess" he whispered in my ear when he hugged me "Bye" all the guys said and left

heyy in so late but here is the next chapter I hope you guys like it love you guys PEACE💜💜💜💜✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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