i thought you left forever

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         ❤️Jasmin's POV❤️
" What are your happy to see me"
Alex said with a smirk " Ugh who are you?" Jake said " Oh never mind I though I knew her sorry" he said and liked back at me and mouthed " Watch out im coming Flower" which made me questions so may thing but the biggest one is why are you back
" Jasmin do you know him?" Jake said taking my hand " N-No " he must of noticed I was shaken up "Here are you drinks " Jim said hanging them to us " And are you ready to order?" He said " Ya can I get them white chocolate raspberry pancake breakfast " I said " Ooo that's sound's good forget mine can I have one of those to" Jake said. " Sure ok I will be back with your food" he said and left  

               💍Jacks POV💍
" Jack why haven't you eaten much" Corbyn said I looked down and saw I have only eaten half of my pancake and my drink was almost full " Sorry I was just thinking " I said picking up the fork and knife " Well by now I think it's cold " Daniel said "Maybe" I said and took a bit from my pancake " Nah still warm " I said at ate more
||After their done eating"||
" Do you guys have $5 so we can leave a tip?" Daniel asked " Ya here" Zach said pulling out has wallet and handed him $5   and Daniel placed it on the table
" Let's tell Jasmin where leaving " I said and we walked to her table " Hey" said said with food in her mouth which was still aborable
" Hey we're leaving but what time are you coming over?" Corbyn asked " Ugh I don't know I'm almost done ".  She said as she took  another bite of her pancake " We can wait outside ". Corbyn said " Ok..is that fine with you?" She said looking at Jake
" Ya will be fine " he said in a playful sad voice " Oh shut up your a big boy" she said and smaked him arm softly " Rude"  Jake said in a girly voice " Ok but let me finish  " she said and started eating fast " Done!" She took put her bag and was fling to leave some money on the table
" No its fine my treat " Jake said gardding her money and handing it back to her " Ok thank you Jake I'll see you later" she said as we got up and walked to the car " So Corbyn who is she " Jasmin said wiggling her eyeborw " Its my girlfriend I want you guys to met"  corbyn said smiling " Aww that's so cute Corbyn what is she like?" She said as she closed the car door  " She's just amazing, she's funny , sweet but can still be sassy" he said with a chuckle
" Your chessy Corbyn" Jonah said looking back at him " Shut up your just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend " Corbyn said which made Jasmin giggle * she was the cutes giggle ever I could listen to it all day *  " Jack stop smiling it's creepy" Daniel said
" That's rude it's not like yours is any better" I said playfully hitting his head " Where here!" Jonah Said almost yelling
             ❤️Jasmin's POV❤️
I unbuckled my sit belt and got out and saw a girl run to Corbyn and hug him * Aww that must be his girlfriend she really is pretty* I was standing there a while when Daniel said " Close your mouth and go meet her ". " Sorry it's that she is really pretty and I think she might not like me " I said with a concern face " She will she's not like that she's a really nice girl or else's Corbyn wouldn't be dating her" Daniel said taking my hand and walking to Corbyn and the girl  " Hey Megen this is Jasmin ". Daniel said kinda pushing me to her
" Hey Jasmin I'm so happy they finally have a girl around now" she said " Ya I get you I'm the only girl in my family with two over protective brothers " I said laughing " Where not that bad " Corbyn said  "Sure your not" Megen and I said at the same time

Sorry I didn't update but I'm here now and I will update again I have just been busy and the guy on the top is he brother Alexxx!! I lobe you guys❤️😘 PEACE✌️🏽✌️🏽✌️🏽

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