Jakes house

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((Jasmin's POV ))

We got our drinks and started walking out the door .I was going to drink my  l refresher when I saw something " Huh Daniel you where wrong he did give me his phone number "  I said turning to cup to him and laughed a little " Hey but I did say it was going to happen" he said back " Jasmin I think we should go back to your place and hang out" Jack said talking a drink from his coffee
" Sure..but I also wanted to go over Jakes house later"  " We can take you when we leave if you" Jonah asked " No its fine I can just ask Jake" " No its fine really will taking you and your not saying no " Zach said smiling at me..his smile is just so beautiful his pearly white teeth and his eyes where sparkling I didn't say anything just smiled at him.  " Hey Jasmin ik  this might be a bad time but I wanted to know more about you like your past" Corbyn said looking back at me " Ugh...ok ig I trust you guys but please dont say and thing to any one." I was worried what if they didn't like me after I told them my story or they see me different now. " We won't relax you Dont need to stress " " What?"  " You where thinking out loud " Corbyn said walking next to me. " Oh sorry I just don't know what you guys will think". " Nothing your still the same person and we like who you are "  I looked up at him and then hugged him he was surprised at first but then hugged back next thing we know we where out side the apartment..I unlocked the door and Kong can running to me " Hey Kong..want to play " I said getting the ball and walking to the balcony he followed me..I threw the ball he went running after it and came back running giving it to me " Can I play " I turned around and saw Daniel " Ya sure " I handed him the ball and he threw it " Hey I Dont want you to feel like were rushing you to tell us about your past " " Ya I know you guys are nice so I would never think that" " Good " he smiled and threw the ball again " Thank you Daniel" " What for ?"  He asked " For being someone I can trust I mean I truss the other guys to but your different " " Your welcome ..let's get inside".

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