maybe I do like him

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~In the Moring ~

(( Zachs POV))
*I woke up with Jasmin in my arms it was the best felling ever I didn't want to let her go I was playing with her hair when I heard her groan" Sorry did I wake you up" I said moving over a little " No your fine..thank you for staying with me"  she smiled
" Ya np what are friends for"  when I said that her smile turned in to a frown but then back to a smile " Ya "  I checked the time and it was 10:23 " Hey good moring you two" the nurse said as she closed the door " I came in earlyer to tell you, you can go home now but you to where so cute cuddling you guys are such a cute couple" she said and I just turned to a light shade of pink and I look over to Jasmin and she had turned to a light shade of red. Which made me chuckle
" What are you laughing at your a tomatoe too" she said and threw the pillow at my face " Hey I thought it was cute" and with that she was a dark shade of red " Shut up Zach now can you get out so I can change" I got up and left

((Jasmins POV))
I got my choths and changed in to them " Zach you can come back in !" I yelled from the other side of the door " Ok I'm coming in " he opened the door and the nurse was right behind him" Ok we have everything you can leave now " She said " Ok thank you " and she left " I'll call Logan to pick us up" I grabbed my phone and started to call him " No it's fine I can get us an über and we can go eat some breakfast " 
" Fine your paying tho" I giggled
" Ya so it's a date?" * a date OMG I never thought of it like that but ig maybe I do like him if he makes me smile so much *  " Ya a date " I said with a happy smile
" Ok than " we left the hospital and Zach called an uber to this cute dinner and we are now in side ordering " Hey anything you want " he said " Ok thank you Zach "  " Np beautiful " he said with a wink " Hey my name is Andrew and I will be your waiter can I start off with drinks " he asked nicely " Can I get a Coke" Zach said " And I will have the same thing" " Ok I will be right back with your drinks " the waiter left " Jasmin?" Someone called I turned around and saw My best friend Alex that I haven't seen in 2 years when he moved to LA to (they have been best friends for 10 years and ge is 16 like Zach) I got up and hugged him tightly " Alex I missed you so much"  " I missed you too princess" he said as he put me down " Really still with the princess thing "  I said giving him a death glare " Well you are princess Jasmin" (the movie Aladdin just so you know) he smiled " Hmm" Zach cleared his throat meaning who was he " Oh right Zach this is Alex my best friend that moved here 2 tears ago " I looked at Alex " And Alex this is Zach on of the members from the Why Dont We hand " I said looking at Zach now

((Zach POV))
*Really just a member not even his my friend* I rolled my eyes but Jasmin must have noticed
" Hey you ok?" She asked " Oh ya fine" I said kinda rude " Ugh ok..Hey Alex it was nice talking to you but I'm on a date but here is my number" she put her number in his phone..**I was happy when she said date so he could leave that I smiled but then she have him her phone number and then hugged him bye I got that felling agaim** " Zach are you ok you seemed off" she asked worried " No I want to say ya but I can't it's just when I saw you hug him it got me mad I dont know why"  she smiled at me
" Thats so cute Zach your jealous" when she said that my cheeks turned red " No I'm not now hurry and order " I said changing the subject and covering my face with the menu making it look like I was looking threw it..when I saw a little hand talk it from my hands " Ya you are your blushing" Jasmin said with a giggle " Fine Jasmin I was you.." Now I was blushing more then ever
" Zach..i."   Before she could finish the waiter came back
" Here are your drinks sorry for the wait are you ready to order?"  " Ya I would like the California burger with curly fries " I said
" And I would like the chicken Alfredo" Jasmin said " Ok I'll be back with your good" he grabbed the menus and left " Jasmin you dont have to tell me any thing ok..but I do like you"  " Zach but I" but I didnt let her finish " How about we talk ago I this some other time" I said " Ya ok.." She took a drink and looked down...** Did I do the right thing telling ger that?**

Hey sorry I haven updated it but I will again and thank you so Slso so so much for more then 1.7k reads I love you guys so much ❤❤❤😭😭

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