Home sweet home

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              🍑 Zach's POV🍑
After the guys and I finished the live we where about to leave to our own room for the night when I saw Jasmin asleep..I walked up to her and kissed the top if her head " Good night princess" I said to her before I left

__next morning__

I woke up around 9 the other guys where already awake " Had a nice dream Zach?" Corbyn said smirking " Ugh ya I guess?" I said more like a question " Of course he did he was like ~" AHH JASMIN!!"~  Jack said making them the guys laugh while I looked down a blushed " No I didn't!" i said trying to hide my  face in a pillow" Really so why is your face red" jack said moving his pillow from my face " What ever I'm going to the bathroom" I said and walked to the bathroom " Ok and hurry were meeting the girls in 10 for breakfast and we leave at 12 !" I head Daniel yell from the bedroom

I took off my cloth and got in the shower but I had to make it quick after 10 minutes I came out and changed and hurried down to the lobby  " Finally man" Jonah said
" Sorry guys" I said walked to them " So Zach your dream?" Jasmin said with a wink *Sh@t did they really tell her I mean it wasn't that bad was it?...I Dont even remember it and I know it wasn't a wet dream...I hope* " I'm playing I dont even know what there taking about " she said and kissed my cheek along taking my hand " Now let's get FOOD" Corbyn said grabbing more like dragging Christina out the door...in the end we just got some subway and packed everything and started driving back

"Jonah put some music on its so depressing!" Jack said " Fine what?" he said " Trust fund baby!" he yelled

A/N: Ahhh the day it came out I got it and ya i know I'm late to show the song but still here it is bc its just that great 💜

the guys and I sang our hearts out until the end " Any more requests? " Jonah said " Yes There's nothing holding me back" Jasmin said " You like Shawn mended? I asked her " Like?...no honey more like love " she said making a duh face then giggling  at the face she had made " What about me?" I said making a sad face " Hmmmm...well you to I guess" she said " Wow" I said
" Man you guys are a cringy couple " Christina said " And your just jealous" Jasmin said
" True..Corbyn..I love you." " I love you to " he said as she layed  her head on his shoulder

" Home sweet Home!!" we all said " I'm already bored" Zach said dropping his suitcase and walking to the couch "Well I have to leave bye guy bye Corbyn " Christina said as w kissed him and walked back to an uber waiting out side for her " Bye" we all said in  unison " I have to call Logan to " Jasmin said and walked away

" Zach!" I looked up and saw Maddie! " Hey?..ugh what are you doing here?" I said " I came to see you" she said and ran to me and jumped raping her lags around my waist " Hey Maddie can you get off but I'm happy to see you" I said confused not knowing how she got in or how she knew where I lived "How did you know I lived here?" I asked her " That doesn't matter of and I brought my friend with me..hold on she's out side she's kinda shy." she said and pulled he friend in said..but then she did we all looked at her and our jaws dropped shes the most...

OOO NOO WHYY A CLIFFHANGER sorry this chapter was the worst one yet sorry guys but what are the guys going to say next!!! I love you all PEACE💜💜💜💜✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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