A hole week with WDW

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           🤥Logans POV🤥
So Jasmine is leaving with the guys tomorrow and I'm leaving around 9 in the morning so I have to tell one of the guys to give her, her present and I trusted Daniel the most bc his like the mom in the band
Hey Logan what's up? ~Danny

Hey can you pick up-

Sorry still won't know what it is😂
         💫Jasmin's POV💫
"Hey Jasmin get ready the guys will be here to pick you up in a hour " Brandon said was he woke me up" Ok thanks where's Logan?" I said bc its mostly him waking me up with the camera in my face "His also getting ready were leaving in a few " he said
" Ok" Brandon left my room and I took a quick shower once I finished I grabbed my glasses and put them in there case and put my contacts on instead and changed in to (pic)

And let my hair down I grabbed my bags and took them downstairs " Hey good morning" I said to Logan walking around in his underwear " Looking for something?" I said pointing to his low half " Ya I don't remember where I left my pants " he said wit...

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And let my hair down I grabbed my bags and took them downstairs " Hey good morning" I said to Logan walking around in his underwear " Looking for something?" I said pointing to his low half " Ya I don't remember where I left my pants " he said with a stupid smile " Really Logan we leave in 20" Brandon said walking down with their luggage " I'm sorry ok I'm just in idiot" he said walking back upstairs " HEY!!" I heard 5 familiar voices yell " Hey guys" I said "Why so early?"  " No reason" Daniel said smiling " Ya sure .." I said looking at him
" Logan the guys are here!" I yelled " His still not ready" Jonah said " No he lost his pants" I said taking a bite from the waffles Brandon bought " Seems like him" he said " Are you ready?" Corbyn said " Ya my bags are in the door way "I said pointing to the front door " Ok let's go" Zach said taking my hand and walking away " Wait my waffle!" I said and reached out to it but I couldn't reach it any more " Its fine we have some at home to" he said Corbyn and Jack grabbed my bags and we walked to their car
" Ok you guys please take good care of my sister she's my favorite sister " Logan said
" I'm your only sister" I said making a confused face " Ya and so is Jake " He said with a Duh tone (😂)
" Oh and Daniel" Logan said looking at him " Ya i know " He said " Ok I love you Jasmin if they do anything to you call me I will fly my ass over here ". Logan said getting on the car " Ok I love you to" I said as the closed the door and drove off with Brandon and  Evan  " So to your place now" I said sitting down " Nope the mall I just have to get something real quick you guys can stay in the car " Daniel said 
" fine by me " I said
" Ok I'll be back I'm going to be fast " he said getting out of the car once he left Zach got out of the car and sat in the drivers sit
" No go back " Jack said " The keys are not even here" he said "Dont matter you still might find out a way to kill us " jack said
" What are you guys doing Tuesday?" I asked " Nothing why?" They all said " Well I wanted to have some friends over for my birthday nothing big thoI said " Your Turing 15 right ?"  Jack said " Ya "   " Ok then I'll get you something you will love " he said " Thank you Jack" I said we talked about my birthday and other things until Daniel came back " Hey sorry I took so long" he said
•At the WDW house •

.        😶Jonahs POV😶
Jasmin is my friend and I'm happy her a Zach are working this out and Jasmin she's Turing 15 I'm 19 I need to find some one that is right for me and Jack while I dont know if he still likes her. " Jonah I need your help" Daniel said to me " Ya sure" I said
He pulled me to his room and told he the whole Logan gift thing " Ya sure where did you hide it?" I said "In my underwear drawer" he said " Eww ya no one would go looking for it in there "
I said laughing

HEY IM SOOOO SORRY YA IK IM A HOE FOR TAKING SO LONG BUT I had Christmas to deal with getting my hair dyed watching my sisters bc I'm on break and my parents work and then..on Christmas my little cat died but life goes on so I will also update tmmw and Thursday to make it up to you guys I love you all PEACE✌🏽💜✌🏽💜💜✌🏽

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