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I woke up in a car I looked around and I didn't see buildings anymore.."how long have I been asleep that we might not bc in LA any more " i thought to my self

then the car came to a stop making my head hit the seat
" Hey!" I looked up and saw the man he was still pointing the gun at me "Put this on" he said hanging me a bandana and I was guessing I was supposed to cover my eyes " Now!" he said louder making me jump and take it
" Good  girl" I heard him open the door then it close along with the sound of rocks being stepped on

my door opened seconds later " I need to you cooperate or you pretty little body and face won't be so pretty and we Dont want that " he whispered in my ear....
I really want to punch him right now but if I did he would shoot me " Hands be hind you" I did what I was told, he tied rope around my hands then started to direct me in which way I should be walking

                 Jakes POV

(this was before Jasmin got kidnapped )

I feel like I did go over bored..Jasmin is my sister and I want her to be happy so if Zach makes her happy then why not try and like him

I drove back to where so got out hoping she would be there waiting for me..but just my luck she wasn't I drove further back to see if she was walking because it would take her a while we were an hour away from L.A
after 30 minutes of looking and getting out of the car a few times I called her but she didn't pick up so I left a voice mail thinking she was mad at me " Hey Jaz I'm sorry I didn't go over bored and I want to get along with Zach and hopefully like him so please pick up or answer my text I just need to know your safe" I hung up and tried a few more times until it started to get late

Wait..on our way here there was a gas station, I drove over there and as soon as I got there I ran out...I saw that the place was a total mess " Jasmin?!" I heeled getting worried " Hey-" I went to ask the cashier if he had seen her but he was on the floor on a puddle of his own blood, I  immediately took out my phone and called the police " Hello yes..there is a man that that has been shot in the head a-and my sister is missing I can't find her I'm-I'm afraid something might have happed to her " I said stuttering...I told then where the gas station was ...I looked around for any thing that might have told me Jasmin was there" Her necklace!" I picked it up and saw it was the one Logan gave her
" Carp Logan..I need to tell him and mom and dad about this "

Heyyyyyyyy soooooo sososo sorry for not posting guys shit got fucking worse with my family thing but I thought about you guys can how much I love writing so I made another chapter I love you all peace 💜💜✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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