Shes back and not alone

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           🤷🏽Jasmin's POV🤷🏽
"Ok bye love you to" I said to Logan as I finished the call "Man he can be a pain some times but I still love him" I thought to my self  I was walking back in when I saw to girls but their backs where turned to me so I couldn't see them they must be fans " Hey " I said to them " Oh Hey and you are?" a girl with black hair said " Oh im.." once The other girl turned my jaw fell I believe all the way to the ground " Lucy?!.."   " Oh hey Jasmin" she said smiling and running up to me and hugging me

"Why is she hugging me a few months ago she was accusing me of drowning her and now she's back , trying to be friendly"   I pushed her off but not in a rude way " Oh Hey " I  walk to Zach and the other who looked as surprised as I was " So ugh.. Maddie where did you met her ?." Zach asked her " Oh at the park she was crying bc some assh*les said some mean things but she never told me who they were " she said smiling back at Lucy " Ya but it doesn't matter now does it " she said looking at me smiling but her eyes said something else " Oh ya when we got here you knew her name already when did you met?" Maddie said referring to Lucy and I

" Oh some time ago...its a long story " I said lookeding at my phone so she won't ask anymore question's " Oh Logans here got to go " I said to the guys and gave Zach a concerned look then a quick kiss after " Bye " I waved and walked out

            🤔Daniel POV🤔
Once we waved back at Jasmin as she left Lucy looked at Zach and smirked " We need her out now" Jonah whispered in my ear
  " Ya..but how ?" I looked at Maddie talking to Lucy as they laughed " So Zach why dont we (😏) all go out to eat?" Maddie said tugging on his arm " I'm sorry Maddie but we just got back from a long trip and we wanted to rest " Zach said looking back at us as we nodded in agreement
" Oh ok then...tomorrow it is then bye Zach love ya!" she kissed his check and grabbed Lucy and dragged her out the house " Why the FUCK IS SHE BACK!!!"  jack yelled " I dont know but now that their back we need to move !!" Corbyn said " I can't right now good night " Jonah said walking to his room " Its only 3 " I said
" Ok and "  he said and walked off
" Still I dont want her here she made things terrible between Jasmin and us " Zach said sitting on the couch " Let's just believe Jasmin from know on we have seen what Lucy is like and also dont let her get to you ok"  Jack said

HEY ....ya I need something to call you guys...but hope you like it and thanks so much for the votes and reads ...ya that bitch is back so drama!!! I love you all PEACE💜💜💜✌🏽💜✌🏽💜✌🏽✌🏽

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