Go way!!

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((Zach pov))
What....what do I do!! " Daniel!!" I called out crying for him the man came out of the car " I'm so sorry us she ok?!" He said worried " I dont know please help me" tears streaming down my face " I called the ambulance they should be here in a little" the man said " Daniel!" I called again
"Corbyn!" Where are they

((Corbyn pov))
I heard Zach yell Daniels name but I guess he didnt hear because of him yelling at Jack and Jonah and them yelling back then I heard my name " Daniel, Zach is calling us " I said pulling him back " What for!" He yelled at me trying to get free " I dont know let go" I said pulling him to the front " Zach what is it " Daniel said We saw Zach crying and...something I never wanted to see in my life Jasmin on the floor bleed from the side of her head out contests " Zach what happened " we ran to them " She was running and there was a car coming I..I couldn't run fast enough to get to her this is all my fault" Zach said looking at her gradding her hand " No it's not Zach." Then we heard the ambulance the parked then 4 guys came out and told us to move back " Please tell us. Is she going to be fine" I said to them as they checked her pulse and her head " She is stable right now but we have to get her to the hospital she is losing to much blood " the man said as they putter on the bed and then carried her to the ambulance " Can I go with her" Daniel asked " Sure are you her brother?" " No but her friend" " Fine but we need to contact her family " the man said as he got on. " I'll be back you guys call Logan or Jake please " he got on And they drove away. " What are we going to do Logan and Jake there..." Zach said wipping his tears " Ya I know but we can just hope for the best right now...I'll call Jake and Logan " we walked back and Lucy was swimming with Jonah and Jack " Wow so where is the bitch that tried to kill me " When she said that I couldnt take it any more " Get out get the fuck out of my house! "
" Why what did I do " she said
" Its because of you Jasmin is in the hospital right now !!"  I yelled at her " What ! " Jonah said " Ya and it's because of you guys too..you didn't believe her now she might not even make at she lost to much blood"  " We didn't mean for this to happen tho" Jack said " Ya what ever " I walked in an called Jake
"Hello ?"- Jake
"Jake I'm so sorry"- Corbyn
" Why what happened ?" - Jake
"Jasmin she is the hospital because of us "- Corbyn
The line was silent for a minute
" T-tell me what hospital she is in please"- Jake
His voice was shaky and it cracked..he was crying
" Ya in ****** "- Corbyn
" Ok thank you"- Jake
He hung up but I was scared of what Lonagn would Say.. I called him
" Were sorry but the person you are calling can't answer the phone so leave a message."

Great I hung up now what Jasmin is at the hospital and she might not make it....

Hey I cant believe 500+ reads thank you so mucbhhh. But sorry I had to go it short ans sorry I havent updated it its bc I have homework and I still have to finish so I had to make it short I will make another tmmw love you guys❤

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