please stay..

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((Logan POV))
I had a meeting with Jeff about some adult stuff and my phone was vibrating a lot " Hey I'm going to us the bathroom real quick " I stud up and walked to the hall before they could say anything I had 12 miss calls and 47 messages from Zach *what the hell do they want* I thought. Then I opened it

Zach🎵~ Logan Jasmin is hurt were at the hospital!

Zach🎵~ Logan!!

Zach🎵~ Come hurry!!

And there was other ones saying what had happed..why her she has been there so much why is the world always pushing her in the face "Jeff I'm sorry but I have to go" I said walking in a picking up my things " Logan this is a very important meetin gyou can't just get up and leave " Mr.Jonny looked at me " So sit" " I'm sorry sir but my sister is in the hospital right now and I need to see her"  Mr.Jonny sighed and shook his head tellung me to go " Thank you" I walked out and in my car and drove to the hospital ..I was so caught up in my thoughts that I was at tge hospital all ready..I got out and walking in " Hi sir how may I help you" a girl about my age asked me " Hey ugh my sister her name is Jasmin Paul came in today what room is she in and may I see her please" I said really fast hoping she understud me " Ya she is in room 214 second floor" she handed me a tissue
" What..?" " Your crying" she was right I felt hot tears falling down my cheeks " Thank you " I wiped them away and walked to Jasmins room while I was walking I saw Jonah and Jack walking back to the lobby "Jack! Jonah!" They looked up and waved " What happened?!"    
" Logan we're so sorry it's our fault Jasmin is in this situation"
" I trusted you with her!" I said befor I left leaving them screaming sorry or my name..I walked to her room but I didnt go in I was to scared what if it's bad or what if she lost a body part " Logan..Logan!" I looked up and it was Corbyn with drinks in his hands" Hey you good have you talked to Jasmin yet?"  " No..I dont know what to say.. im to scared to go in" " She is fine she is smiling and she said only her head hurts so there is nothing to worry about" but before he could open the door I stopped him
" Was it all of you guys"  " What do you mean " he said confused
" That she is in that room right now and not at your place or is it Jack and Jonahs ?!" I said almost yelling " Logan we can talk about that later how about we just go in " he opened the door and we walked in " Jasmin are you ok did you brake anything " I said checking her " No I'm fine just a headache " she smiled at me and pulled me in a hug " Good " I smiled in to her neck ..they told me what had happened and we stayed in the room for 2 hours just talking then the nurse came in " Excuse me but Jasmin need to rest you guys can comeback tomorrow around 8 to see her " then she left. " Ok goodnight Jasmin " I kissed her for head.
" See you tomorrow princess" Jake said and hugged her

((Jasmins POV))
Logan and Jake left " Ok we should leave to do you can rest " Daniel said " Goodnight " Corbyn said and walked out along with Daniel " Goodnight Jasmin " Zach said walking oh the door " Zach wait!"  He pocked his head in
" Ya " he said walking back in "Can...Can you stay with me please"  " There is only on bed And-"  " Please stay with me " I said crying...I know it sounds stupid but the last time I was in a hospital was when I was small and it was the day of the accident
" Of course I will stay with you " he grabbed my hands and kissed them " Thank you" He wiped my tears with his thumb ...he texted Daniel saying he was going to stay with me so they wont have to wait. " Are you sleepy?" He asked me " Ya want to sleep" I said moving over " Sure" he smiled and got in the bed he put his arms around me making us cuddle. (Pic below)

Then we both fall asleep

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Then we both fall asleep

Hey I'm body hurts so much any way hope you guys like you ❤❤

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