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((Daniels POV))
I'm with Jasmin holding her hand as the medic is taking her blood pressure and puttung on a breathing mask
(*= they are thinking )
*please you need to get through this your my best friend I love you so much * I squeezed her hand but not to hard " She well be fine..I see you worry so much about her." The medic said with a warm smile " Ya she is my best friend and I dont want to see her in pain" I said looking at her pale face " Can you tell me something about her so I can but it in the record"  he said grabbing a pencil and a folder with paper inside
" Ya she is 14 she has two older brothers here Logan and Jake there not her real brothers she is adopted .." I told him the rest and by the time I was done we where at the hospital " Ok thank you..if you don't mind I need you to step back" I did was I was told and they got her off and ran to the emergency room and I stayed in the lobby. * I hope the guys get here * "Daniel! Daniel! " I looked up and saw Jake with red puffy eyes " Ya" I said with no emotion at all " What happened?! Why is she here?!" " Jake I'm sorry it's our fault we started yelling at her and she ran out then got hit by a car she is loseing blood.."  Jake sat next to me and cryed softly I wouldnt blame him I wanted to cry too but I had to stay strong
" Jake it's not his fault it's ours" we both looked up and saw Jack and Jonah " Why tho I trusted you SHE trusted you.." " We know but we-" " No I don't care what you think!" Jake yelled making everyone look at us " Sir please no yelling " the nurse told him
" Ya I'm sorry" he sat back down
" Jake we are really sorry we didn't want this to happen I..I.lo-"
"Daniel how is she" Zach said running in not letting Jonah finish " Daniel she lost a lot of blood they havent told me anything else ..did you guys call Logan?"  " He didn't answer." Corbyn said looking back at his phone checking if Logan called back. "For Jasmin" the doctor came out " Here!" Jake telled getting up " How is she "  " She is stable now you guys can see her"
We walked to Jasmins room and saw her laying sleeping with wires on her arms every one was quiet all you could hear was the monitor beeping " Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't mean to react like that it's just I don't want to see my little sister like this" Jake said with his head down and tears flowing down his cheeks " Its fine where sorry to " we all said.
" Aww cute" we heard a small weak voice was Jasmin
" Jasmin how are you felling!?"  Jake said hugging her " My head hurts but my body is too if you don't let go" " Oh ya sorry" Jake said smiling I didnt know what to do I just ran to her and cryed I'm happy shes fine I would lose myself with out her " Dont cry Danny I'm fine" she hugged back and laughed a little " Danny huh I like it " I smiled at the cute nickname she have me.

((Jonahs p.o.v))
I dont know what I was doing when I yelled at her but now that she is right here with me and is in bed in so much pain I can't help but think it was because of me that is in that situation right now " Ja-Jasmin I'm sorry " I said walking up to her " Ya we didn't want you to get hurt" Jack said
" Oh thank you you guys made me think I had friends here and that you guys liked me because I was being my self ..I guess not ,you like girls like Lucy and I did say that you guys wont have to see me any more so ...please leave Jake , Jonah I'm not in the mood."  " Jasmin please.." " Maybe some other time but just not now.. leave!"  We left and walked to the hall " We fu!k up Jonah" Jack said looking at me " Ya I know but we can't just give up she is...she is my friend " *I can't tell Jack how I really feel so I just said friend*

((Jasmin POV))
I know yelling at them was wrong but they really hurt me so I cant just forgive them yet
" Jasmin" the doctor said coming in " Happy your finally awake " 
" Ya thank you" " We need to keep you here until tomorrow and then you can leave we just want to see if your stable enough to go home and there is nothing wrong with your head" he said looking at his papers and flipping them reading thing off. " Oh and Mr.Paul can we have a word "  " Ya " Jake left outside with the doctor " Thank you guys, you where the only ones that stayed by my side "
" We will always be here for you..we did tell you even if some of us didn't mean it didn't mean we won't" Zach said " Ya your like our little sister now " Corbyn said " Yay more brothers" I said sarcastically..but then laughing

Hey sorry I didn't update but I will again and happy Friday ...I'm lonly I won't be doing anytbing but going to the gym I start tmmw so I can get skinny for my 15 any way I love you guys ❤😘

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