Not a game

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❤Jasmin's POV❤
I looked around but didn't see any one they where all talking or eating " Jasmin is everything ok?" Megan asked worried " Ya sorry" "Who was texting you?". Crap I can't tell her I dont want something bad to happen this is about me and only me I dont want my friends getting hurt " It was Logan saying he doesn't want me home late.". I said " Order 237" we heard a man say " That's us" I said getting up...we walked back to the table with our food and made sure we had everything bc you know sometimes they dont (McDonald's 😂😂) " Did you want to eat here or back at the boys house?". Megan asked ....I wanted to see the boys and tell them I'm fine so ig " With the boys I want to talk with them".
" Ok"
*At the boys house *
We knocked the door and a few seconds later Zach opened the door " Hey "I said " Jasmin!" He said huging me tightly " Zach I have food " I said with a giggle now that my food is now flat
" Sorry but Logan won't he get mad ?" He asked " No it's fine we talked ". " Oh ok...oh ya come in sorry". He said scratching the back of his neck ..we walked insaid and saw the boys sitting down on there phones except Daniel he was playing the guitar " Hey baby" Corbyn said looking up at Megan "Jasmin?!" He said once he saw me " Hey " they all looked up and ran to me, they all gave me a big bear hug " Again my food" " What are you going here ?" Jack said " I wanted to tell you guys that in fine and Logan is ok without me coming but I can't be here as often " I said " So is there anything for us?" Jonah said grabbing my taco bell bag " No only for me and Megan " I said grabbing it back and walking to the kitchen
" Rude!" I heard from Zach and Jack " I love you too" I yelled back ..they didn't say anything anymore but looked down but I could still see Zach's cheeks a lighter shade of pink then he normally has " Ooo is some okw blushing " I said laughing " No " they said "Jasmin's stop teasing them you'll get there hopes up". Corbyn said which made every one else laugh
*after they eat*
" I'm full and you Megan?" I asked as I saw her rubbing her stomach "Ya" she said " Well since your full we can't let this go to waist " Jack said taking the half of chalupa " His right you know " Corbyn took Megan's burrito "fatass" i taking a drink of my slushy " Hey your full remember" Jonah said talking grabbing my slushing and took a drink " Mmm this is so good".
" Ya ik now get time me " " No" he said and walked away " Jonah!" I ran up to him and tried to take my drink but he raised his hand up higher " That's not fair !" I said as I tried jumping for it
" Life's not fair princess " he said with a wink " Will get you back Jonah just watch" I said and sat next to Daniel then I got a call "I'll be right back " I walked to the bathroom

Hello beautiful are you having fun with your friends~??

Can you just leave me alone~jasmin

No I can't I love seeing you in pain and I won't stop until your dead Jasmin~ ?? this you?~Jasmin's

No baby I'm the one you loved until the accident happened ~ ??

Alex stop playing games ~ Jasmin

Princess is just told your in not Alex in this so not a game ~ ??

Fuck you!~Jasmin

I hung up on him then walked out " Hey are you ok?" Zach asked " Ya sorry for yelling ". I said then walked off " Jasmin come here look" Megan said showing me a video of the boys
" Wait when did you guys make a new song " I said as I watched the video " Not to long with video must came out yesterday " Jonah said " Is there something you guys can't do " I said " Thank you but where not that perfect " Daniel said " Oh Logan said you can play piano right". " Ya ..Jack and Jonah can as well" he said (bc ik zach can't😂 also thank you for the people that told me Jonah can to many people told me he couldn't so I changed it now ). " Hmm can your teach me I all ready know guitar but I wanted to know how to play the piano ". I said " Sure When? "
" Later if you want " " Ok sure" he said

Ahhh Corbyn is now 19 wtf and the new song omg love ittt but thank you guys so muchhh I have over 11k reads love you guys PEACE 💜✌️🏽

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