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😳Zach's POV😳
I couldn't stop thinking about Jasmin all night I want to ask her out do she will finally be mine but I'm nervous I Dont know how but I think I can make some things work "Good morning " I said to the guys as I walked in the kitchen " Hey your up early..why.?" Daniel said " Ugh hungry ig " I said "So ugh Corbyn I need your help man" " On what?" He asked " I'll tell you later but can you?" I asked again " Sure " we ate breakfast later we met up with our manager and talked about work " Man I'm tired" jack said sitting on the sofa " Same can't wait until we go back home I'm so tired of meetings" Jonah said taking a drink from is water " Corbyn can I talk to you" I asked " Ya sure" we stepped in the hall " The favor I wanted to ask was I need help..asking Jasmin out " " Really Zach I Dont think you need my help" he said
" But I do I get nervous like what if I start staying stupid crap or-".
" Just be your self ok" Corbyn said " Ok but if it goes wrong I'm blaming you" I said..we walked back in the room " So what were you guys talking about?" jack asked.
" Oh Zach wanted to ask Jas-". **No crap corbyn!**" I need help with some vocals " I said smiling. **ya bc me smiling don't make it sound anymore believable**
" Oh ok" he said ..we finished the rest of the meeting and went out for breakfast
*At Applebee's*
" Hey Ik you guys might he busy but can we get a few pics" a fan asked with 3 other girls " Sure" we all said " Thank you" we took funny and cute pics with them
" Wait Zach can I have one more" she said " Oh ya sure... you guys can go in if you want" I told the guys...she took her phone out again and went to kiss me one the cheek so I smiled at the camera with a peace sign but.....she turned my head and made me kiss her!! " Woow what are you doing" I said back up " I love you Zach and I want you to be mine " she said " I'm sorry but I..I like some one else and I Dont know you". I said " Zach I love I have been there since the start please "
She said walking to me " I have to get going " I said walking inside
" Fuck you Zach you will regret this!" Was the last thing I head her say when I walking in and walked to the guys table

❤Jasmin's POV❤
I woke up to my ringtone going off
"hello "I said still half asleep
" Hey honey how are you doing over at logans?" my mom asked
" Oh Hey mom good its weird but in a good way" I said
" That's good I think I might go and visit I have some free time" she said
" When?"
" Maybe next Tuesday" she said
" Ok have you told Logan "
" Ya he said I could stay over his to..but I have to go honey I just got home and I need to put some things away"
" Ok bye mom love you" I said
" Love you to"

"Was it mom" Logan said walking in with some breakfast "Ya..thanks" I said taking the plate and started eating my eggs "So good" I said "Thanks I made them"  " You really" I said with my mouth full " Yes..and gross
"I'm going out I need to buy something for tmmw oh and Dont forget to pack " he said walking out and shutting the door. **Crap forgot about MW going over the guys house for a week ** I hurried and ate then I grabbed my bag and started getting some clothes but left some out for today and tmmw

Little bean🐒~ Hey

Jasmin~ Hey what's up?

Little bean🐒~ Nothing much Logan told us about tmmw

Jasmin~ what you didn't want me 😂

Little bean🐒~ No I do but not as much as Zach you should have seen this face when Daniel told us he looked like a little kid getting candy for breakfast😂

Jasmin~ Well I can't wait to see him either😊 but I have to go I need to pack

Little bean🐒~ Ok I got to go to Zach's coming back I'm out with the boys for breakfast

             🐒Corbeans POV🐒
" Hey guys" Zach said " Hey what took so long?" I asked " Nothing let's order" he said quickly and took the menu we all looked at each other until Daniel spoke up  " Zach buddy what's wrong" Daniel asked " The girl I was out there with she..she kissed me and I think she might have recorded it or took a pic and what if Jasmin sees"

Hey sorry for posting a little late but hope you guys like it and thank you so much all most 15k reads whattt how omggg you guys are so amazing I love you all  PEACE💜💜💜💜💜✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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