chapter 1.... Relationship?

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This is my first book and I would love to have your suggestions and comments. Keep giving me feedback.

THANK YOU! ENJOY READING! :-)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER 1



I fall to my knees, the wooden floor of my room felt like my only support. I let the tears fall to the ground. Not that I had control over them, but I allowed them to flow. Another day with his hurtful words and outbursts! I wipe my tears as I hear little hands thudding on my door."Dianaaaa.... are you ready?" asked the cute little voice. It was my younger brother, Ian. I looked over to the clock on the side table. It was already 5:30 pm. "Ready in 2, dear." I politely replied. "I don't wanna be late again. I get less time to play, phlease get ready soon!"

I quickly washed my face and brushed my fingers through my hair. Without looking in the mirror, I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. Ian was impatiently waiting for me in the living area. He ran to the door watching me climb down the stairs. It was a part of my routine to take Ian to the garden across the street. There were no kids around the block so I would often play with him there.

As we reached, I let go of his hand, "Diana, let's play Hide-and-go-seek today," he said facing me. I curl my lips up in a smile," Ian, sweetheart I would love to, but I don't feel good today. why don't u go play on the swing?" With a hint of disappointment in his eyes, he simply nodded and ran to the swing. I just sat on the bench watching him play.

As I was thinking about how Ian had grown to be a good 6-year-old boy, my train of thoughts was disturbed by the beep of my phone. It was a text from Lia, my best friend.Lia:Hey babe, I saw your darling boyfriend today. Looking angry (as usual). What's up? U guys fought again?Me:It's daily, isn't it?Lia:Seriously babe, how do u tolerate him? He's always soooo rude to you. I mean, who talks to his girlfriend this way?Me:Drop it! I love him and you know me.Lia:Ya ya. The first love last love kinda crap!Me::-/ Hey! It's not crap! It's just my belief. Now can we not talk about it?Lia:Well, ok. It's 6:10 pm, so you must be in the garden? I am reaching in 10.

Lia arrived 15 minutes later, she's never on time, so I was expecting her to be late. "What is the matter with you?" Lia asked irritation evident in her tone. "What? I told you I love him, now is loving someone wrong?" I replied. "It's not! But the way he treats you for more than a year now, do you think that's right?" Lia backfired. I sat there speechless, trying to control my tears. After a minute of silence, Lia spoke again, "See Diana, I know you love him, but it's time you think about yourself. He just can't hurt you every day. He calls you, fights with you, says something horrible and you start crying. Do you not realize that he breaks you and you allow him to? Why are you doing this to yourself?" I just looked at her and before I could say anything, Ian came hopping towards us.

"I am bored of playing alone, what do I do now?" I looked at my watch," hey! it's 7:15. You got some extra time there. Time to go home, big boy!" I said. Ian like a good kid that he was, held my hand and gave a toothy smile to Lia.It was almost 11:00 pm. I was lying on my bed unable to sleep. All I could think about is Wes and what Lia had said. Wes was my boyfriend for the past 2 years. I have been dating him since my sophomore year. We met at a friend's party and got talking. After a month or so, he asked me out. He was 7 years older than me. He was a really sweet guy then, I mean he still is, but not when he's angry and that is almost every evening. He works at a firm, though he has told me several times what exactly his job is, I never get it. He worked long hours, so we rarely meet. He calls me twice a day, in his lunch break and one in the evening. But the only thing we talk about is his work, his friends and in the evening, he only fights with me. Which according to the justification he gives me is because he is stressed and frustrated.Now I don't understand how to deal with this, I mean I am just 17! So, I often helplessly cry myself to sleep, just like today.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: My first chapter ever!!!!! Feels soooo gr8!!! :-)vote or comment...I would love to hear from you all... pls write to me @ didi.wattpad@gmail.comlove you guys.

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