The Rise of Six

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I was typing on the cyberdesk in the mission command, waiting on Davenport to bring Bree and Chase and Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar down to the new lab in the penthouse.

The doors to the hyperlift opened then as Davenport led the five out of the high-tech elevator. "Welcome to Mission Command." He announced.

"And just like that we're back in the basement." Bree pointed out.

"Actually, this is our team central nervous system. It'll be where we train, plan for missions-" I start, speaking up.

"And learn how things work before you touch them." Davenport finished while slapping Kaz's hand away from the technology.

"Wait, Des!?" Bree and Chase said in surprise, huge grins on their faces. I outstretch my arms and smile as they rushed over to me and hugged me.

"Oh, yeah, Des is my other surprise for the Elite Force." Donald added, also smiling.

Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar grinned and also hugged me. Davenport's phone rang and he went back up the hyperlift.

"I'm just gonna say I'm very uncomfortable with that guy being head of this operation." Skylar commented.

"You'll get used to him." I shrug lightly; Chase and I was now holding hands.

"Alright, let's head out and go searching for the low lives that destroyed Mighty Med." Kaz stated.

"But we don't even know where to look." Oliver pointed out.

"Well, we have to look somewhere. We'll go city by city starting here." Kaz replied and faced Chase, Bree, and myself, "You guys take uptown. We'll take downtown."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We don't just go randomly looking for people- We have to devise a plan first." Chase commented.

"I just did- uptown, downtown, and I don't know any other parts of the town, so... plan commenced!" Kaz said, fixing to walk away as I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to our group.


"Tell me again. Why do you even have this?" I ask while helping him carry a big picture of Mr. Davenport with money falling around him.

"To make it feel like home." Donald answered.

"Whatever." I laugh. We stop when both of us heard a noise; It was high-pitched and sounded kind of like a whooshing sound.

I move over to the window suspiciously and glance over at Davenport. "Call the others." I tell him.

"Right." Davenport nodded and called the others like I had told him to do, "Guys, get up here! There's something strange going on."

The five other teens came up and Skylar was the first to see the picture of the billionaire. "Whoa, that is strange." She remarked while gesturing to the picture.

"Not that. Outside." Donald said while pointing at the window where I was still at. "Something flew by the window. I couldn't get a good look at it."

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