Game of Drones

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Chase and I step off of the hydralift and walked over to the living room where my brother and the team was hanging out, sitting on the couch and laughing.

"Okay, Justin, today is the day that you officially join the team-" Chase started, smiling.

"But first, we have to give you a mission suit." I grinned. They smiled also as Chase and I head back down to mission command and start working on a suit for my brother.

After finishing the final touches of the new suit, I call the team, including my brother, down to mission command.

Justin's suit was a mix between Chase's and Kaz's yet also like Oliver's, his boots were the same as the boys however. He also had a blue and black hood on his suit like mine, and in the center of his belt, there was a new logo, the logo for our team.

"Okay, Justin. Go try it on." Chase said, wrapping an arm around the small of my back and waist.

Justin smiled and super speeded into a different room and came back with his new suit on. He placed his hands on his hips. "How do I look?"

"You look great." Bree and Skylar answered as Oliver and Kaz added, "You look awesome."

"But you still look like a dork." I grinned and go up to him, "Welcome to the team, Bro." Everyone cheered and clapped and then we hug.

"Thanks for accepting me on the team." Justin replied.

"You're one of now." Bree commented as everyone nodded in agreement.

"You'll fit right in with us, J." I add, lightly nudging him on his arm and then move back over to my boyfriend and now had my arms wrapped around Chase's waist as he had an arm around me also.


Justin and I walked down the hallway towards the living room from the training room; We had been perfecting our powers even more (if that's possible) and had worked on our fighting skills for the last hour.

"Chase, why are you lurking? Do you not have anything better to do?" Bree questioned her brother.

"Would I be reading your private emails if I had anything better to do? By the way, typo, third line down." Chase answered while plopping down in the seat next to her on the couch.

"You have a girlfriend. Go hang out with her." Bree pointed out.

"She's hanging out with Justin." Chase replied.

Justin and I entered the living room and made our way over to the kitchen to get both a bottle of water. "Hey, guys." We both say to them.

"Des! Will you please take Chase? He's bothering me." Bree complained.

I exchange a look with my brother as we both grinned and shrugged. Skylar entered the living room then and spoke up, "Hey, Bree, Des, want to get a frozen yogurt?"

"Absolutely!" Chase answered while quickly getting up from his seat and rushing over to her side.

"She was talking about Des and me." Bree replied.

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