A Brave New World

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"Mr. Davenport! Her vitals are dropping even more!" Bree exclaimed as she held the still unconscious brunette's hand in her hands tightly. Destiny was laying on the table, and it seemed like she was slipping closer and closer to death. Donald and Douglas rushed over to them, checking on Destiny.

Destiny squeezed Bree's hand that was holding hers as Bree noticed and looked down at it, tears in her eyes but a sad smile on her face. She couldn't lose Destiny. She was the one who always was there for the speedster, for everyone. Bree never even got the chance to take back every bad thing she's ever said to the girl. She needed her sister to wake up and be okay.

"What're we gonna do? We've tried everything. Now, I guess, it's up to Des to pull through and to keep fighting." Donald began while closing his eyes. He couldn't lose his daughter, not after everything that's happened to them.

"At least, her death would be a good one. She sacrificed her life, so that all of us may live. That makes her a true hero." Reese spoke up, taking her unconscious best friend's other hand in her own and let out a sad sigh.

Chase stood by, not taking his eyes off of his girlfriend, his arms folded across his chest. He wanted to do something, but he didn't know what to do. All he could think about was losing Destiny- and he really didn't want to lose her. No one did. "Come on, Des. Keep fighting. Please." He whispered desperately.


Everything was white and bright as I blink a few times to let my vision adjust to the light; I look around and see that I'm now in a cave of some sort with a doorway that leads into something very bright, making it where I can't see into the other room. But I felt drawn to enter inside. 

"Mr. Davenport! Her vitals are dropping even more!" That sounded like Bree. I look around but see no sign of her.

"What're we gonna do? We've tried everything. Now, I guess, it's up to Des to pull through and to keep fighting." Donald's voice spoke up somewhere in the distance as I look around the cave again but see no sign of him.

"At least, her death would be a good one. She sacrificed her life, so that all of us may live. That makes her a true hero." I hear Reese speak up next as I again look around the room and see no one there. 

Then I hear a whispered voice that I immediately recognized as Chase, "Come on, Des. Keep fighting. Please."

Am I dead? Then I remembered. 

I start to approach the open doorway just as two figures stepped out and stopped me from going any further. I look at the two people with tears in my eyes and immediately hug them. "Mom, Dad." David held both Elizabeth and me in his arms, his hand on the back of my head reassuringly. "I missed you guys."

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