Inhumans: Pt.1

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I was typing on the cyberdesk inside of mission command, continuing to do my research on what happened to the world after I had released all of that nuclear energy. Douglas and Donald was also helping me, actually the two of them have already been doing the research. 

"I think I got an idea of what happened to all of that energy." I speak up as the two men looked up from their work and glanced over at me in question.

"What'd you find out, D?" Douglas asked just as Kaz and Chase had walked into mission command after stepping out of the hydralift.

"There's been reports of this wave of energy passing through the entire world. People all over the place have been encased in this like rock-like cocoon after the energy passed through them." I start to explain, looking down at the cyberdesk in front of me, "These people were exposed to the particles and matter, which altered their genetic, chemical, or even atomic structure, giving them a variety of abilities. Now, the world knows of people with powers even more."

"That would explain why so many reports of people using their new abilities have been shown throughout the news." Donald added, clicking a button as Channel Four news appeared on the screen of the monitor on the wall. The reporter was basically saying what he was saying about this.

"So, these people, they just wake up from this cocoon and then they have powers?" Chase spoke up in slight confusion.

"I've actually been through that process before. It happened on Caldera when we had went to rescue Skylar. Scarlett had trapped me in this cave and my powers didn't work inside the place. There was these blue crystals that sent this gush of wind past me and encased me in one of those cocoons..." I reply, "Once I was free of it, I was able to use my abilities and gained a few new ones."

"Then you lost some of your powers saving Chase here when he gained superpowers." Kaz also spoke up, grinning at Chase.

"That's not really the point." I remark in slight amusement.

"You must've thought about that experience and it made the energy like that-" Douglas pointed out as I finish for him with a shake of my head, "Not really. I just didn't want to destroy this world and you guys."

"What do we call these people with special abilities?" Kaz inquired.

"Inhumans..." I immediately answer as if in some sort of trance, "Each Inhuman is given a power meant to fulfill some kind of evolutionary need and create equilibrium within the species." I close my eyes and look down at the floor, my hands on top of the cyberdesk, my eyebrows furrowed.

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