Holding out for a Hero

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Kaz and I was sitting on the couch, bored, while Oliver and Chase was talking about science. Normally, I would join in their science conversations, but I'm just too bored right now.

Kaz then yawned as a fireball shot out and came towards me as I throw my hands up and make a force field, deflecting the fireball as it bounced off and caught the coffee table on fire.

Kaz and I laughed while Chase ran to get the fire extinguisher. "He always seems to forget I control all of the elements, including water." I remark in amusement.

Oliver smiled and Kaz laughed while Chase scrambled to put the fire out with the extinguisher.

Davenport ran into the room and looked around, his eyes landing on the burnt coffee table. "I heard an explosion. Did we get attacked by shapeshifters again?" He was wearing a very tight outfit.

"Aah!" Chase and I jumped a bit as I remark towards the grown man, "No. But could you cover up, we're seeing a little too much shape shifting over there." Chase threw a throw blanket at his dad.

"What happened?" Donald asked.

"I'm guessing a combination of gravity and middle age." Kaz answered.

"To that." Davenport corrected while he gestured to the newly burnt table.

"Oh, well, Oliver and Chase were talking about science. Des and I got bored and I yawned, something flew out of my mouth and it went towards Des who used her shield around her and then that happened." Kaz explained.

"He found another superpower- It's a fire grenade." Oliver commented with a grin.

"Fire grenade, that's lame. I'm calling it my yawn bomb." Kaz smiled.

"Yeah, way cooler." I replied sarcastically but smiled also.

"So, wait, you just discovered something you didn't know you had? How many powers were in that space rock!?" Chase questioned.

"That's gonna be tough to answer, considering it didn't come with a manual." I remark and look over at Kaz and Oliver, adding, "Even if it did, they probably wouldn't read it."

"This is just like you guys when you unlocked your bionic abilities." Donald said towards Chase and me, thinking.

"Oh, yeah, except our abilities come from a highly advanced infrastructure and theirs come from a magic witch pebble. Whoo!" Chase commented while moving his hips and wiggling his fingers.

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