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Short chapter, just a what-happened-to-the-characters-filler
kind of chapter, I guess.
*Three Years Later*

I look down at the diamond ring on my third finger of my left hand and couldn't help but to smile at the thought of being married to my best friend, to my true love. Chase and I was married, obviously, and have a two year old girl for a daughter. We named her Mary Elizabeth after my two mothers.

And I am officially a Davenport also, which I always was anyway.

"You ready?" Chase asked as I nod a little nervous and held my hand in his as we step out on the terrace of the castle and noticed the large crowd of Inhumans, crowns on both of our heads. 

Since he married me, Chase became the King of Aerofexus and I'm the Queen. Our daughter is a princess to the kingdom also.

I begin, "I consider myself a strong woman. And I think a lot of times we like to categorize things and say that it's all one thing or another. So, it's like, you're strong; You're hard and you're tough and you never cry and you're fine." 

I take a deep breath before continuing, "I'm not all one and not all other. I can be extremely strong and I can be really tough and I can stand up for myself and I can take care of myself."

"But, there's also things that hurt me and there's also things that makes me very vulnerable and there's also people I care about deeply and I'm very open with. I let them close enough to me that they can hurt me, you know?" I continue, "Otherwise, you're setting up the younger generation to have an unrealistic expectation of what it means to be strong."

"And I think it takes incredible strength to be vulnerable. So to see vulnerability as a strength, next to the strength of being able to take care of yourself, being able to think for yourself, being able to be smart and bright and creative and in control of your fate, I think all of those things are important to show together."

"So, show those moments of vulnerability and show those moments where you could be hurt or you could be fallible because we do all make mistakes. No one's perfect, no one should be expected to be perfect, it's too much pressure and we would crumble. And you need a community and you need love. Those things are so crucial in life, and to tell a young kid that those things aren't crucial in life is unfair." I finish my speech, "You're ready and truly heroes and ready to go back to Earth- if you choose to leave."

"We'd rather stay here. We love it here." Trina, an Inhuman with wings, spoke up.

"Okay then. Stay as long you'd like. All of you are family." I grinned, leaning into my husband as he wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple. 

By the way, Skylar and Oliver was also married; Justin and Bree are still dating but also engaged to being married. Kaz met a bionic girl from the Bionic Academy and is dating her. Adam is dating Taylor from the Bionic Academy and Leo's married to Janelle.

And all of us are living our happily ever afters, still doing our heroic duties and just saving the world and making it a better place for everyone living on it.

The End ✖️✖️✖️✖️

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The End

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