Date with Destiny

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It's been a month since we had defeated Hive. Everything in the world is a bit different. But, right now, it's been going good for us. The only thing that seems to keep me up at nights would be my nightmares, like tonight. It's two in the morning.

I was currently alone on the couch in the living room inside of the penthouse, flipping through channels on the television with the remote in my hand. The only light in the room was the candle on the coffee table in front of me, the flame twirling in the darkness.

"What're you doing awake?" Chase asked, sleep still evident in his tone. He rubbed his eyes with one hand tiredly.

I look over at him and remark, "I could ask you the same."

Chase moved over to the couch but remained standing up. He was even more awake now. "Everything okay, Des?"

"I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I begin, shrugging lightly, turning my attention back to flipping through the channels. Chase gave me a skeptical look and sat next to me. He knew something was wrong. I could tell he was racking his brain, thinking of all the possibilities of why I would be up at this hour of the night. A lightbulb shone above his head as he knew why then.

"You had a nightmare again, didn't you?" Chase asked in concern. 

I quietly sighed, rubbed my eyes, and nodded, looking at him. He knew I weren't the one to talk about my feelings and emotions, and nightmares for that matter. 

He moved me into his arms comfortingly, holding one of my hands in his reassuringly. "If you ever want to or need to talk, I'm here." He kissed my temple then.

"I know." I smile and leaned back against the couch, glancing over at the television screen again.

"Want me to leave?" He reluctantly asked. 

I look back at him and shake my head quickly and answer him, "No, please stay." 

Chase smiled and moved into a more comfortable position on the couch, pulling me into his arms as we just watch cartoons to help us fall back asleep.

I had one arm around his waist and the side of my face laying on his chest as I watch the show; He held me close to him in a reassuring, comforting, loving way. My eyelids were starting to feel heavy as I close my eyes and fall asleep in my boyfriend's arms.

Chase smiled down at the now sleeping brunette in his arms and kissed her forehead. He knew that Destiny was still having nightmares, more so after what Hive had done to her. Chase loves this girl and would do anything for her and just be there for her in a heartbeat. He wants what's best for her, always have and always will.

He just wished that this moment right here could last forever with no one disturbing them or anything. Maybe it's time for another date. It's been awhile since the first one we had. Chase thought to himself sleepily and then dozed off as well.


Chase had called me to come down to mission command just to hang out. When I got there, I noticed a trail of Hershey Kisses that leads behind the rock wall; I follow the trail, picking up each kiss on the way. At the end of the trail, I was now standing in an empty room with one table inside.

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