O Brother of Mine

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I was alone in the penthouse and started to look around for something to do in boredom, my eyes landing on my brother's backpack on top of the dining room table. I smirk a little and quietly call out, "Justin, I found your bag. Mind if I look through your personal stuff?" I speak up a little louder, "Kay, thanks!"

I open his bag and notice something interesting. "No way." I pull out two different packets and look at the first set of papers and briefly read the letter. My big brother just got accepted into two amazing colleges with full scholarships to both of them. 

Why wouldn't he tell me this?

"Justin's accepted into MIT and Princeton?" I murmur, my eyebrows furrowed just as a pair of footsteps descended down the stairs. I hide the acceptance letters and scholarship packets behind my back and face whoever was coming down the stairs, which it was only my brother. "Hey." I meekly smile at him.

"Hey?" Justin replied a little bit suspiciously yet curiously, "What do you have behind your back, Des?" He moved over to me and glanced over at his open bag on the table beside us and back at me. "Come on, give me." I move my hands from behind my back and give him his letters back.

"Why didn't you tell me? I didn't even know that you were applying to colleges." I comment.

"Yeah, um..." Justin began and cleared his throat a little, "Well, Mom and Dad, they would've wanted me to achieve my dreams, which means apply to my dream colleges."

"They would be proud of you- So am I." I reply, "Are you gonna go to one of them? If so, have you decided which one?"

"Yeah, I think so..." Justin commented, putting his papers back inside of his backpack and moved one of the straps over his shoulder. "I'm thinking about MIT." He turned away and lowered his head a little, his shoulders now slumped. "Des, I'm trying here, I really am."

"What's wrong, J? Talk to me." I reply, moving my hand over his arm.

He looked back at me and sighed, admitting, "I can't seem to forgive you and I'm really trying to. Every time our parents, family, is mentioned... I just- I feel angry with you all over again. I'm always gonna be there for you, but part of me..."

I drop my hand and look down at the floor, guilt clearly shown on my face. "Part of you wish that I never found your family-?" I start quietly.

"More like.. 'you never existed'. I know, that's harsh, but if I'm being completely honest... Sometimes, I can't help but think that everyone's lives would be better if you never existed in the first place." Justin finished also quietly. "I'm sorry, Des."

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