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Name: Destiny Moore aka Lab Rat D or Subject D (Nickname: Des)

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Name: Destiny Moore aka Lab Rat D or Subject D (Nickname: Des)

Age: 19

Gender: Female, obviously.

Hair and Eyes: Eye color is brown, but when Zelda, they're purple; Hair color is brown and now shoulder length.

Family: Adopted by a super family, the Moores, who all are sadly deceased; Birth parents are Elizabeth and David from Aerofexus of the Malachite Realm, but also tragically passed away. The only family Destiny has left are her good friends, the Davenport-Dooley group.

*Telekinesis/ Telepathy
* Elemental Manipulation
* Electricity
* Geo-leaping/ Teleportation
* Phasing
* Portal Creation
* Percussion beams
* Exploding/Detonation ability
* Spikes
* Adaptation ability
*Energy Weapon Constructs (which allows her to create weapons out of energy)
*Proton Ring Generation
*Thermo Nuclear Body Blast

Bionic Abilities:
* Superior intelligence/ heightened senses/ mental database
* Force field/ force field ball
* Molecularkinesis
* Fingerprint recognition app
* Facial recognition app
* Senses recording
* Bionic GPS
* Viewing Screen
* Hacking
* Mathematical analysis, chemical analysis, thermal scanning
* Speed reading
* Mental Link
* Override App
* Commando App
* Scan vision, including super sight like x-ray vision and such
* Magnetism App
* Levitation
* Laser Bo

* Super speed
* Super agility
* Super jump
* Wall stick
* Voice Manipulation
* Invisibility

* Super strength
* Heat vision/ Flame vision
* Plasma grenades
* Blast wave
* Pressurized lung capacity

* Laser spheres
* EMP Generation
* Energy transference
*Bionic Sonar

Personality: Destiny is kind at heart and deeply cares about her family, very protective; She's sassy, opinionated and very sarcastic, with a snarky sense of humor, always with a smart retort ready. Destiny loves pranking and even is known as the 'Queen of Pranks'. She's always there when her family needs her.

She is often portrayed as an intelligent, mature, and responsible individual, yet cocky and with bit of an ego and arrogant; Destiny often acts like a leader of the four other teens when Donald isn't around, but this only applies on missions or when left alone for a stretch of time. Much like Donald, she will occasionally remind the others of the bigger picture.

Even though she's extraordinarily smart yet at times childish, she shows a lot of care for her family and friends and would do anything for them in the face of danger. Also, she tries to stay on Donald's good side- and will keep the man in check also.

Destiny is well-liked by her peers and her family. According to the Davenports and Leo, she gives them hope and they look up to her as a hero. Without her, it's even more chaotic at their home and they need her. She's very loyal and trustworthy, despite her commando app- Zelda.

Destiny puts her needs aside and helps everyone out, ignoring her own problems. However, she can be very manipulative and sneaky, devious, as well; She's willing to do anything to benefit her goals.

She also is easily angered, which sometimes triggers glitches. However, she is a very loving and fun-loving, goofy and comical girl.

Throughout the seasons as more of her family dies, Destiny tries even harder to be even more of a better hero to protect the Dooley-Davenport family who has grown to be family to her, even if it means sacrificing herself for them to live.

This girl is literally breaking her bones, harming herself, in order to protect the ones she cares about. And when her powers are out of control or her family is in the middle of a threat, the first thing she thinks of, the first thing that pops into her head is "What am I supposed to do? How can I stop this?"

She doesn't want to hurt anyone else, especially the team, they are her only family she has left; Destiny is willing to knock herself out with a percussion beam, break every bone in her body, to keep them safe... and that is so incredibly sad.

The Team Relationships:
*Chase: The two of them are a couple and are soulmates basically, according to Des's home realm. They tease and argue and make sarcastic retorts (Des mainly). But they love each other and continue to fight to be together and always has each other backs no matter what. (Ship name is either Chastiny or Dase- what do you like better?)

*Bree: They have a sister kind of relationship and always looks out for each other's best interests. Destiny will understand her even more when Bree also becomes a hybrid.

*Skylar: One of her best friends who is also considered to be like a sister.

*Oliver: Like a protective brother

*Kaz: Also like a protective brother

*Donald Davenport: Father/ Daughter relationship with sarcastic remarks (mainly from Des) and teasing and pranking each other, but they'll always look out for one another and be there for each other. She calms the man down when he gets too upset at one of the teens' mistakes/problems.

*Douglas Davenport: Father/Daughter relationship; Destiny is his favorite out of everyone and has always and always will have a soft spot for the girl. They tease, joke around each other a lot and are a lot alike sometimes, most of the time; They protect each other and looks out for their best interests. She's the one who always truly believes in the man, which helps him not go back to being bad.

*AJ: Neighbor kid who becomes friends with her. He looks up to Des, especially as the superhero Quake. She starts to see him like a little brother, like Blake Moore (read first book if you don't know him 😏😉). He also reminds her of a mix between Leo and Spin.

Interesting facts: Destiny is the first bionic-superhuman hybrid and is also the superhero Quake.

What can we expect of our favorite bionic superhero? I guess you'll just have to find out in The Forgiven Bionic, the second book to Secretly Super where this one takes place in Lab Rats: Elite Force.

Trailer courtesy of Cinderellatessy1 😊😁

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