Quake Exposed

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I was sitting on the floor, my back against the cyberdesk down in mission command, with my knees to my chest and arms laying on top of them. I glance over at the spot that my dad had died for the second time and breathe in anxiously. 

Douglas stepped out of the hyperlift and noticed me then and moved over to stand in front of me, starting, "D?"

"Big D leave yet to go back home to Tasha and Naomi?" I inquire while looking up at him, stirring the conversation away from me or what I had in my mind. Douglas nodded, sighed, and sat down on the floor beside me, his back also against the cyberdesk. "I'm fine, Dougie."

"No, you're not. You don't think I know what you're doing down here?" Douglas started, looking at me, his hands in his lap, "I practically invented that move. You're trying to distance yourself, so that everyone won't drown in your wake. It doesn't work, especially when you have someone who truly believes in you. You basically dragged me out of my... evil ways and showed me that I'm still good. Well, I believe in you, D, alright? And I have zero doubt that you're not some destroyer, some person that death follows. You still have people who won't give up on you-"

"I never wanted that-" I start quietly.

"No, you don't get to do that. You don't get to choose who cares about you. And Donnie and I, we care a lot about you, D. We all do." Douglas cut me off, glancing over at the spot where my father had passed on, "Your dad... He wouldn't want you to feel all of this guilt that you're feeling. He wouldn't want you to do anything alone, especially when you don't have to do anything alone."

I tear my gaze away from the empty spot in front of us and look back at the spiky haired man and slowly nodded. "I'm sorry, Dougie, but... I'm better off alone, me coming back here... I shouldn't have even done that because Hive will take advantage of my love for this family and put all of you at risk... I can't lose you guys, too."

"You feel everything too deeply, D. When are you gonna learn? This team, this family, always handles everything and everyone better when we're all fighting together. There is nothing that we can't succeed. I mean, sure, we'll have letdowns, failures, but we'll always succeed in the end. Good will always win." Douglas commented. 

He sighed and stood back up off of the floor, holding his hand out towards me as I look at it and take his hand and was lifted off of the floor as well, him adding, "Come on, you need your friends. It's time for you to not be a... lone vigilante or whatever."

Douglas smiled as I roll my eyes but smiled also as we head to the hyperlift and enter inside of it, going up to the penthouse and stepped out and walked into the living room. Douglas squeezed my shoulder in reassurance and then walked over to the kitchen.

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