Come Back To Us

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The team and I was inside of a prison because the prisoners had got out and rioting too badly, so the cops need our help to help contain them. Donald, Douglas, and I had ran inside of the cafeteria while the others went down the other halls to put the other prisoners up.

I was wearing my black mission suit because it had my new gauntlets on the suit, which is why I wasn't wearing my Elite Force suit. Thirty dangerous prisoners were quick on our tails. "We're never gonna make it to the exit with all of these men following after us like this-" Douglas started just as we reach the other door inside of the large cafeteria.

The two grown Davenport brothers opened the door and stepped into hall just as I close the door behind them as they looked at me through the window. "You're gonna make it." I assure them, breaking the handle off of the door where they couldn't open the door on their side.

"Des, don't do this!" Donald and Douglas started to protest, banging on the door. "Open the door."

I turn back around and face the incoming prisoners and hop on top of a table, letting out a low whistle. "Here boy." I punch one in the face and kicked two other men as those three fell down while more came at me. 

I step onto the next table beside the first one that I was on just as a man jumped onto the table also, but I kick him in the ribs hard.

I jump down, moving my feet into a man's chest as he approached me and landed on top of him and moved my boot and kicked his face hard. I use my blastwave ability as it took out ten more of the prisoners as more continued to come at me.

I glance over at the window to see Donald and Douglas continue to run towards the exit just as a man punched me in the face, making me fly back and roll off of a table behind me and crash onto the floor; I swiftly stand back on my feet and grab a tray from the cart beside me and swing it at two men's heads hard as they fell to the floor. I swing the tray in my hands towards another one who broke it with his fists.

I use both halves and smack two prisoners approaching both of my sides while kicking another in the crotch who was coming at me in front of me. I drop the two tray pieces and swiftly drop on one knee, hand on the floor, and send a shockwave to the remaining men as they flew back and crashed painfully on the floor.

Donald and Douglas ran in from the other entrance, breathless, and looked around at all of the unconscious men. "You were supposed to leave me. I've got this under control." I comment, a twinge of pain suddenly shot up through my left hand and arm excruciatingly. "You weren't supposed to come back for me."

"You could've gotten yourself killed, Des." Donald started to lecture me, "What you did, it was suicidal and stupid-" 

I look at him, scoff a little, and cut him off, "What I did, it saved your life. And I'm okay." The pain in my arm grew even more as I stifle back a wince yet hold a convincing small smile on my face.

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