The Prophesy

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Nineteen years ago, in another world known as the Malachite Realm, a small, baby girl was being born out of true love and was destined of great things, whether it being good or bad

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Nineteen years ago, in another world known as the Malachite Realm, a small, baby girl was being born out of true love and was destined of great things, whether it being good or bad. This baby was the princess from Aerofexus in this realm and was gifted with great power. And this is her story...

King David rode on his grayish-white stallion quickly, his red cloak flying behind him in the wind. He had just heard news that his wife, the Queen, was now in labor with their daughter, their firstborn. He sped up even faster, holding onto the reins even tighter.

He approached their castle and slowed down, hopping off of his horse and rushed inside of his home and continued to run down the halls and up the stone stairwell; David stopped in the doorway of the large bedroom and noticed his wife holding a baby wrapped in a white blanket in her arms.

"She's beautiful, Liz." David murmured while approaching the two and looked at the newborn. Elizabeth smiled fondly and softly replied, "She's perfect." She handed their daughter over to the new father as he now held her in his arms, one hand on the back of the baby's head. Elated tears formed in his eyes as he lightly laughed.

The baby opened her brown eyes and looked at her father, a big smile formed on her face as she let out a little coo. A cloaked man stepped into the room but only stopped at the doorway, speaking up, "What a precious princess she is already." The new parents looked up from their daughter and over at the man as he removed his hood.

"Oh, Philip, come see your niece, brother." Elizabeth commented as Philip nodded and moved over to them. David carefully handed his daughter over to his brother-in law as Philip now held the small child in his arms.

"She is beautiful... I can already tell that she's destined for great things." Philip spoke up as he brushed his fingers lightly across his niece's cheek. He smiled up at Elizabeth and David who smiled also.

"That's what we should name her, David." Elizabeth commented, looking over at her husband and held his hand in hers, "We should name her Destiny."

"It's a beautiful name for our beautiful daughter. I love it." David replied, taking his daughter back and now held her in his arms again, one hand on the back of her head comfortingly, "Our Princess Destiny."

I let out a stifled, frustrated scream and continue to hit the punching bag in the training room; It was just me in the room. The team was still too busy discussing on what our next move was going to be, discussing on how to help me or if they can even help at all.

That's what they are doing wrong. If they want to do something, they could just stop talking about whatever that sigil means. They could stop talking about my uncle and just move on from it, just let it go. I just want it to all be over, so that we can move on with our lives.

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