How Long Is Forever?

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I look at the small purple stone in my hand once more before putting it in a box and onto a shelf in the weapons room; I leave out of the room and enter mission command to find Donald rushing around the room, looking for something

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I look at the small purple stone in my hand once more before putting it in a box and onto a shelf in the weapons room; I leave out of the room and enter mission command to find Donald rushing around the room, looking for something. 

Douglas, Chase, and Justin watched him move around from behind the cyberdesk. "Uh, Big D? What's the problem?" I speak up as they looked over at me.

"It's missing. I think someone stole it." Donald vaguely answered, continuing to search around the lab.

"Stole what, Donnie?" Douglas asked the question on all of our minds as I join the three at the cyberdesk and add, "Yeah, what's so important?"

Donald stopped and approached the cyberdesk that we was at and pressed a button on the console, pulling up a holographic screen to show what he was working on. "I was working on a device to help Des with her earth ability, to where it won't hurt her every time she uses that power."

"My earth ability doesn't hurt-" I start to object as everyone cut me off, disagreeing, "We know it breaks your bones." I look up at the ceiling and back at the console, waiting for Donald to continue.

"Anyway, I had hid the special gauntlets in my secret vault in mission command, but it wasn't there. And no, I didn't misplace it. They're not anywhere to be found, so they had to have been stolen." Donald finished.

"Okay, so just make another one. They were just designed to help the vibrations of Des's ability, right?" Chase commented.

"You don't get why it's so troublesome that they're missing. These gauntlets weren't finish, so the wearer can actually hurt Des because it'll block out her powers, bionic included." Donald answered.

We all exchange a wary look as they looked over at me, waiting for what I was going to say to that set of news. "Then we find out who stole your tech and for what purpose exactly. It wouldn't be the first time your inventions put me in danger." I reply with a shrug.

"They do not, uh, not all of them-" Donald started.

"They do- most of the time. Do we need to start listing them for you?" I cut him off.

"For example, there was the neural scrambler, erased years of her memory." Chase pointed out.

"Okay, to be fair, that was all of Leo's doing." Donald defended himself, his hands on his hips. I purse my lips out slightly and then nodded in agreement. "Let's get to finding out who this thief was and how they managed to get inside of the penthouse and into mission command and into my secret vault."

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