The Puppet Master

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"Hey, guys, check it out. A package was sent here for the team, but there's not any return address." Kaz spoke up while entering the penthouse with a sealed cardboard box in his hands as he moved over to the kitchen counter and set the box on top of it.

"It's not anything explosive." Chase confirmed after using his bionic eye to look at the contents in the box. "So, open it." Kaz opened the box then as we all gathered around to see what was inside of it. "Huh."

"It's puppets- which looks like all of us." Oliver replied, picking up the 'Oliver' puppet in his left hand and held it up as Kaz picked up the puppet that looked like him also.

"This is weird. Why would someone send us puppets that look like us?" Skylar questioned, holding her puppet in her hand as everyone but me held their puppet.

I carefully pick my own up and look it over. "And who even has the time to make them look exactly like us?" I remark while Justin, Kaz, and Oliver made their puppets fight each other.

"Look, there's a note." Reece pointed out after looking inside of the box and then picked up a small sticky note and read it aloud, "Dear Elite Force, hope you enjoy the puppets I made. It took some work to create. Enjoy. Z." She glanced over at me and then Chase questioningly and asked curiously, "Who's 'Z'?"

Bree looked at me pointedly, her hands now on her hips, starting in slight suspicion,  "Des, could this be Zelda?"

"No, no way. It's not possible." I answer her quickly and began to move over to the hyperlift after taking the note from Reece. "I- I'm just gonna run some tests and see if I can find out the identity of this person."

"I'll help." Chase offered and followed after me into the hyperlift. We were down in mission command in an instant and moved over to the cyberdesk.

"What if it is Zelda? How could she have escaped?" I began to wonder aloud, glancing over at my boyfriend and back down at the cyberdesk.

"If it is your commando app, Des, then we'll figure out how to stop her. You stopped her last time and you can do it again." Chase answered, his hand over my hand that was on top of the desk.

"Last time, though, I almost died..." I murmur and let out a small sigh. We begin to get to work on finding out who had sent this package to us and why.

*Third Person's POV*

"Hey, guys? Has anyone seen Kaz?" Oliver questioned while walking into the main part of the penthouse from the hallway. "I haven't seen him since that package with the puppets came here."

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