The Ghost

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*Six Months Later*
*Third Person's POV*

Newspapers and clippings of anything remotely about Des, about Quake, was pinned to the living room wall inside of the penthouse

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Newspapers and clippings of anything remotely about Des, about Quake, was pinned to the living room wall inside of the penthouse. The newspapers were all articles about Quake taking down a bridge, robbing a bank, and other destruction like that; Justin and Chase stood outside on the terrace, looking down at the street with a pair of binoculars in their hands. 

Kaz and Oliver walked onto the terrace and moved over to them, paper bags of fast food in their hands. "Hey, Oliver and I got us some sandwiches. You two should, uh-" Kaz started.

"They're here." Chase interrupted him, cutting him off and nodded over at the park bench to find Justin's and Destiny's Aunt Lucy and her six year old daughter Robin sitting on it. Since, Destiny disappeared, the girl has been meeting their only family that her and her brother has left. "They're early."

"Well, in the meantime, you guys should eat." Oliver replied.

"We will- after this meet." Justin commented.

"How are you guys so sure she'll even show up? You've been watching them for a week now." Kaz started as Justin replied, "I just have a feeling."

*Destiny's POV*

I was wearing a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans and a blue flannel shirt with my black combat boots. My hair had grown since six months ago, now making it a little past my shoulders. I also dyed my brown hair to black and was wearing a black beanie hat over the top of my head.

I walk over to one of the park benches and stop in front of my aunt as she was talking to her six year old daughter, my cousin, on the bench. I had my leather jacket folded over my arms at my waist in front of me as Lucy looked over at me. 

"I wanted to thank you. The money you sent us was too generous, and to help us relocate... Ever since that supervillain, Hive, stopped by our old home and destroyed it, I never felt safe in that town ever since." She began.

I glanced at her and nodded slowly, moving over to Robin and knelt in front of her while also pulling out a wooden robin bird. "Do you like animals?" I start towards the child who smiled and nodded, "I saw this in a store and thought of you. It's a robin like your name." I hand her the wooden toy bird and then stand back up, sliding my jacket on, and start walking away.

"Des!" Chase, my brother, Kaz, and Oliver stepped out of their building and started running towards me while I turn into an alleyway; I crouch down, one palm in front and the other palm behind me, both pointing down at the ground. I manipulate the vibrations through my earth and air abilities and then shoot up into the air and land on top of a building. I then open a portal and jump through it, still disappearing from the team.

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