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*Third Person's POV*

Destiny exited the black suburban and was quickly surrounded by armed agents, pushing her forward

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Destiny exited the black suburban and was quickly surrounded by armed agents, pushing her forward. The brunette walked towards the steel bolt double doors as they opened. She looked around the inside of the building. 

There was cells on the second floor on both sides of the entrance. It was basically like a prison. There was people with powers in the cells, unable to escape because the bars of the cells blocked out their powers.

Destiny looked over at Agent Williams with a raised eyebrow. "What? Did you really think we believed you when you had told the world that you were the only superhero?" He asked her in slight amusement. Destiny moved her eyes over at the prisoners that she passed as they walked by their cells.

"Where are we?" She questioned suspiciously while continuing to walk to wherever they were leading her.

"Welcome to S.PA. Each one of these... gifted people are here to protect themselves from the public. They've risked themselves and almost exposed their powers." Williams began to explain, "Like you, Destiny. See, you're not the first inhuman that we've dealt with before."

"You call people with powers 'inhumans'? Why? Because we're so different from you?" Destiny questioned, her eyes narrowed as she looked behind her and at the head agent. "That's just-"

"It's just to-"

"I know, put a label on us, put us into a separate category than human. We're human, though-" Destiny cut him off like he had just done her. 

Agent Williams pressed his hand on the scanner next to a metal gate as it confirmed his handprint and the gate opened. He looked at the girl beside him and commented, "Yes, you're still human, but with an extra set of DNA. It's a little different. Yours, in particular, is even more special somehow."

"How do you know so much about me?" Destiny asked him as they walked through the open gate and continued down the corridor. 

Agent Williams nodded a little and sighed inaudibly before answering her question, "We've known about you, and ever since you as Quake started working with those bionic people, we've watched you carefully."

They led the bionic-superhuman into an interrogation room as Agent Williams gestured for her to sit down at the table in front of the interrogator who was fixing to eat his lunch but stopped. Destiny sat down in the metal chair in front of Williams and another middle-aged man who had black hair and blue eyes.

"Now, we just ask you a few questions. I'm Dr. Andrews... Where are you really from? How did you get your powers? Not your bionic chip, we already know about that." The man beside Agent Williams began, his hands folded in front of him on the table.

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