The Superhero Code

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Oliver was in the kitchen, fixing sandwiches for all of us; Chase and I was talking between one another as we sat on the couch while Skylar and Bree talked to one another.

"Lunch is served." Oliver announced, smiling.

We stood up from our seats as Chase moved over to him and offered, "I'll grab the plates."

"Oh, just like you grabbed the heart of the girl I love? You already have a girl." Oliver commented.

"Still not getting over me getting Skylar's powers back, huh?" Chase replied just as I walk over to my boyfriend in front of Oliver.

"Nope. Des is fine- She's not trying to get Skylar." Oliver pointed out.

Duh, I'm a girl and already have Chase. I roll my eyes but smiled in amusement as Oliver added to Chase, "And you'll notice your tomato slice is very thin."

"Wow, you showed him." Bree remarked sarcastically.

"Yeah. I also skimmed on his lettuce." Oliver commented just as I sit down at the table once I grabbed my sandwich.

"Oh, no, stop the madness." Bree said, moving over to the kitchen then, "I'll get the plates." She opened the cabinet as broken plates fell to the floor. "Why are they broken? What happened?"

I notice Oliver as he looked nervous and smirk over at him, saying, "Yeah, Oliver, what happened to the plates?"

"I was doing the dishes and I accidentally broke them with my super strength." Oliver began.

"That still doesn't answer why you put them back in the cabinet." Skylar commented.

Chase sat down beside me and put an arm around the back of my chair. He took my sandwich and bit into it and handed it back to me while smiling cheekily at me.

I pout a little and look at him, starting, "Again? Really?" He just grinned and then kissed me as I move my face from the kiss. Now he was the one who pouted and I'm the one who was cheekily smiling.

"Hey guys." Kaz said while walking into the room and over to us.

"Hey, Kaz, I didn't smell you come in." Bree replied.

"Did you shower?" I add, surprised.

"Yeah, I had to. My brother, Kyle's, coming to visit- and the pen I was chewing on exploded all over my face." Kaz answered.

"I didn't know you had a little brother." Chase commented while I take a bite of his sandwich while he was distracted with Kaz who walked over to Chase and me.

"Yeah, well, growing up, Kyle and I never really bonded, but now that he's older and I moved away, I think maybe he misses me." Kaz replied and I smile at him, "This is our chance to finally become best buds."

Then the doorbell rang as Kaz added, "That's him." He walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a little boy I assume is Kyle, Kaz's little brother, standing in front of him. "Kyle."

Kyle looked into the penthouse and noticed Bree and Chase and myself as he let out a gasp, "Quake and the bionic people!"

I stood up from my seat as Chase stood as well, a hand around the small of my back, while Kyle sprinted over to the three of us. "Wow. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're more excited to see them than me." Kaz pointed out.

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