Need for Speed

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I turned visible beside Chase, startling my boyfriend, just as Douglas stepped into the penthouse. "Dougie, you're here!" I comment with a grin as we hug.

Bree walked over to us and hugged him also just as Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar walked into the room. "Guys, this is our Uncle Douglas." Chase introduced the man to the three other supers, "Technically, he's our father."

"Yeah, like we ever call him that." Bree remarked as Douglas looked at her. I slightly pat his shoulder reassuringly.

"Oh, you're the guy who tried to kill them." Kaz commented, shaking Douglas's hand, "Nice to meet you."

"You too, Oliver. You're not nearly as scrawny as Chase said you were." Douglas said.

Oliver glared at Chase and then spoke up, "That's because I'm Oliver." Douglas looked over at me as I nod in confirmation.

"Hi. I'm Skylar." Skylar greeted the spiky haired man beside me and shook his hand.

"Ah, the alien girl. I'm kind of disappointed. I thought you'd have three heads." Douglas remarked.

"Don't be silly. You shed the other two when you're a kid and leave the money for the head fairy." Skylar said.

Douglas looked over at me in question again as I comment, "Yeah, I'm not sure if she's joking about that or not."

"Uh, good news. Skylar got her powers back." Chase replied.

"And guess who got it back for her?" Kaz inquired with an amused smile.

"Okay, it was Des and me." Chase said happily as I smile proudly also.

Bree leaned over to Douglas and replied, "A little elite force gossip, scrawny is jelly because bookworm and Miss Perfect got alien her powers back."

"Miss Perfect?" I question Bree with raised eyebrows and an amused expression on my face. She simply shrugged with a grin. "I'm not perfect, but awesome? Yeah." I smirk a little.

"Okay, alien I believe. But someone jealous of Chase? Unfathomable." Douglas replied to Bree's statement.

Chase looked slightly offended as Douglas walked over to the couch and sat down; I squeezed my boyfriend's arm reassuringly and let go, following Douglas and sat down beside him.

"So, it looks like I'll be staying here with you while my brother's away." Douglas informed us.

"Where did Mr. Davenport go? I mean, not that I'm complaining. I think I speak for all of us when I say we could use a break." Skylar replied.

"He went back home. He'll be checking in, but he wanted to be there for Tasha when the baby arrives." I answer.

"Probably so he can jam a bionic chip in its neck when she's not looking." Bree remarked. I snort and shake my head.

"Anyway, my first order of business while I'm here is to design the team's new mission suit." Douglas said.

Chase then walked up to us and looked at the man beside me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. No you're not, 'cause I'm designing them. And Des was going to help me." I shrug. "I started sketching up a prototype two weeks ago."

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