Shapeshift Sickness

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 *Third Person's POV*

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*Third Person's POV*

Bree and Skylar watched Kaz and Oliver stack another piece of ham on their gigantic sandwich. "There is no way you're gonna be able to eat all of that." Bree pointed out as Skylar nodded in agreement as she added, "That sandwich is the size of you and Kaz put together."

"I'll be impressed if they do eat all of it." Justin commented, standing in between the two girls with his arms folded across his chest. The whole penthouse began to shake then as the sandwich toppled over and the five teens looked around. "Des." Justin was the first one to take off running upstairs with Bree and Skylar behind him, followed by Oliver and Kaz.


I was in the girls' dorm, laying down on my bed and just playing on my phone; I was dressed in a pair of black joggers, a long, dark red long-sleeve shirt, still barefoot, and my short, brown hair was left down. I didn't feel too well and just felt really sick.

I sniffle and then sneezed, letting out a tired groan; The loudness of the buzzing inside of my head had seemed to intensify now more than ever since I'm sick. A loud ringing then sounded throughout my ears and spread inside of my mind. I drop my phone and roll on my side, covering my ears with my arms, my hands wrapped around the back of my head.

The room began to tremble then as I squeeze my eyes shut. I didn't open my eyes until one hand held my arm, making me look up at who was in the room now. Justin was standing beside my bed as Bree, Skylar, Kaz, and Oliver was approaching us also. I sit up, trying to hear them speak but couldn't due to the loudness inside of my head.

I look down, shaking my head, trying to calm down the noise. "Des? Des." Justin's voice managed to break through the loud rumbling, ringing, and buzzing noise inside of my head. It finally calmed down some as I control the tremors throughout the penthouse and look up and over at my brother who had sat down on the bed beside me, his hand now on my shoulder. "You alright?"

"I'm- I'm sick." I murmur, standing up to my feet but stumbling a little as Justin steadied me, "Call Big D and Douglas. It- It's not just the flu." I sneezed again just as the person standing in front of me- Oliver- shifted into a rooster. I sniffled, "Oliver?"

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at the rooster beside us and back at me. "Oliver, can you speak or are you a complete rooster now?" Kaz asked his best friend.

Rooster-Oliver let out a clucking sound and commented, "How am I a rooster!? What happened? Des!?"

"I- I told you I'm sick and that-that it's more than the flu!" I reply, moving out of the room to go find Donald and Douglas, which was in mission command with Chase. I cough some just as a vase I just passed exploded into pieces, making us jump in startle. "Okay then."

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