The Intruder

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I was sitting at the table outside on the balcony beside Bree and Skylar just as Chase stepped outside also

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I was sitting at the table outside on the balcony beside Bree and Skylar just as Chase stepped outside also. "Kaz, buddy, there's plenty of room over here. You don't have to eat on the floor." Chase commented, sitting next to me as I take half of his sandwich and took a bite of it, cheekily smiling at my boyfriend.

"I'm not eating on the floor." Kaz replied and stood up to face us while showing us uncooked hotdogs on a rake, "I'm preparing my food on the floor."

Oliver walked onto the balcony and moved over to Kaz, saying, "Ooh, my favorite, hot dogs on a rake!"

"Wow, you actually made tubes of random animal parts even more disgusting." Bree spoke up, disgusted.

"Hey, they only look gross because I haven't grilled them yet." Kaz replied as Oliver held the rake of hotdogs and spun it around slowly while Kaz cooked them with his fire power.

When Kaz was finished cooking them, he grabbed one and took a bite of it, inquiring, "Who's disgusting now?"

"Still you." I remark, noticing Chase fixing to take a bite of his sandwich as I take it and take another bite of it again. I hand it back to him and grinned.

Kaz took another bite of his hotdog and then pulled out something. "Ooh, wet leaf," He laughed a little and tossed it on the floor.

"Yeah, you know I just used that rake to clean the gutters, right?" Skylar spoke up.

Oliver shrugged and commented, "Mm, you can taste yesterday's rain."

"You boys are ridiculous. Your powers are a gift. You shouldn't be wasting them on trivial things." Skylar replied.

"Yeah, you guys are always using your powers when you don't have to. Yesterday, Oliver flew across the street just to go to the grocery store." Bree added.

I exchange a look with Chase, already knowing where this conversation was headed.

"That was an emergency. We were out of loopy loops." Kaz replied, "And, you know what, for your information girls are just as bad. When Mr. Davenport called, you use your vocal manipulation to pretend to be me." He pointed the last part out to Bree.

"Okay, calm down, all I said was-" Bree started in her regular voice and then Kaz's voice, "Bree's not here. Stop calling, old man."

"Oh, so you made me look bad?" Kaz replied.

"Yes, that was the goal. And yes, I occasionally use bionics to make my life easier. But I can stop whenever I want. But you guys are the ones that have no control." Bree said.

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