Follow the Leader

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 I walk into the penthouse with Bree, Skylar, Kaz, and Oliver; We were in our mission suits and had just got back from a mission

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 I walk into the penthouse with Bree, Skylar, Kaz, and Oliver; We were in our mission suits and had just got back from a mission.

"What's going on?" Chase curiously asked while approaching us and noticed us in our suits.

The five of us finished putting our stuff away as I answer for everyone, "We just got back from the mission."

"You went without me?" Chase questioned in disbelief.

"Well, we had to. You weren't answering your phone. Where were you anyway?" I reply while sliding my hood off of my head.

"Perry and I was stuck downstairs." Chase sighed.

What is she doing here!?" Bree demanded while gesturing to the woman behind Chase. Perry looked offended at that statement as Bree corrected herself, "Sorry. I didn't mean to say that." Bree looked at Chase and added, "What is it doing here!?"

I stifle back my laughter just as Kaz walked up and now stood on my other side. Kaz spoke up, "Chase, this must be your mom. The resemblance is uncanny."

Kaz grinned while I cringe a little, shuddering a bit at that thought. "Please, if my kid came out looking like that, I'd have put the robot parts on the outside." Perry commented.

Oliver then walked back over to us and introduced himself, "Well, I'm Oliver and this is Kaz." He gestured to Kaz by his side.

"Glen and Paul. Got it." Perry simply replied with a nod.

"I'm Skylar." Skylar also introduced herself while stepping over to us as well.

Perry looked at the girl and gasped loudly. "I know who you are. Donny told me that the robots would be teaming up with superheroes. I can't believe I'm in the presence of a real heroine." The woman admired.

"Um, hello. You never acted that impressed around me." Bree commented.

"Uh, that's 'cause she's a comic book hero come to life and you're a man made dolly." Perry replied, making a mechanical noise and then made a super speed move.

I shook my head slightly in disbelief, folding my arms across my chest. "You do remember that I'm also a superhero, right?"

Perry looked me up and down, shrugging a bit. "I remember, and yes, I have read the Quake comic books. But, you're not a true superhero like Skylar Storm- You're basically just a rogue super."

"Hey, Des is more than that-" The team all started in defense until I stopped them with a shake of my head.

"Can we please get back to the mission? How bad was it?" Chase inquired, moving his hand over to mine and intertwined them perfectly.

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