The Attack: Pt.1

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  *Third Person POV*

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*Third Person POV*

Justin's phone chimed as he glanced down at it and read the text, which was from Oliver. He looked up and over at Oliver who was sitting on the couch with him and Kaz. "Um, Oliver, why did you just send me a text that says 'I make you feel all tingly inside'?" He questioned curiously.

Oliver's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "What? No, that wasn't meant for you. It was for Skylar." He looked at his phone and reread the text. "It's my big thumbs, I'm cursed."

Kaz spoke up in amusement, "Since it's out in the open, I say we discuss this tingly feeling." He looked from Oliver to Skylar who moved from the kitchen to the living room as she shot him down, "I say we don't."

Bree walked down the stairs and moved into the living room as well. "Uh, guys, I think I just discovered another superpower I got from the Arcturian. Look." She held out her palms as light shone then.

"Oh, cool! Flashlight hands." Kaz commented.

"Why would I need a flashlight in my hands?" Bree questioned.

"Because if they were in your feet, they wouldn't be as useful." Kaz simply answered.

"Actually, could you shine those bad boys over here? I dropped a peanut." Oliver replied on his knees, looking underneath the couch for his missing peanut.

"Superpowers are supposed to be cool. This is just lame." Bree pointed out as Skylar and Justin joined her sides.

"Bree, your powers may seem lame, and absolutely hysterical, but trust me, there must be a purpose-" Skylar started as Justin finished, "A big part of being a superhero is getting used to your powers and knowing how and when to use them. Don't worry, you'll figure it out."

Douglas walked into the penthouse with furrowed eyebrows and a worried look, mostly worried about Destiny. "What's wrong, Douglas?" Kaz inquired curiously.

"Something strange is going on outside. The whole city feels eerie. There are a lot more police sirens than usual." Douglas answered, "Des is actually out there right now, checking it out. She said that she'll call if it's too much for her and if she needs our help."

"What do you think it is?" Bree asked.

"I don't know, but something's definitely not right." Douglas admitted just as Chase and a girl with glasses walked into the penthouse.

"Hi guys. Meet Reese- She said that she and Des was old friends, and apparently, they had lost contact with each other. Reese here just wants to catch up with her." Chase spoke up.

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