They Grow Up So Fast

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I walk back into the penthouse with the team. "Well, congratulations, guys, that was our tenth mission this week!" Chase announced proudly as we set our bags down.

Justin wrapped an arm around my shoulders and looked down at me with a grin; I roll my eyes but smiled also yet playfully shoved him away.

"Only ten? It feels more like a hundred." Oliver commented while plopping down onto the couch with a groan, "Using superpowers really takes it out of you. My whole body's sore." He let out a pained, exhausted groan.

Kaz joined him on the couch with a groan of pain also, saying, "Yeah, mine too. Oh, it hurts more to sit!"

"Okay, you guys haven't even had your powers that long and you're already complaining." Skylar pointed out.

"Yeah, um, I have been running hundred of miles an hour since I was a baby. Don't you talk to me about sore until you have bionic blisters." Bree added. She sat down on the couch and then pulled off her boot to show them the blisters on her foot.

The boys let out shrieks and recoiled as Bree stood back up and commented, "Rookies." She walked away while letting out a few pained 'Ow'.

"Man, if we feel this bad now, what's gonna happen when we get older?" Oliver inquired.

"I don't know." Kaz replied and pulled out his phone, "Ooh! But I can show you what we'll look like. Yeah, I have this app that ages photos." He pointed his camera at Oliver as the shutter clicked. "This is you at eighty." He showed Oliver a photo of "elderly Oliver".

Oliver looked at it a bit in slight disgust, pulling back, as Skylar chuckled and spoke up, "Cute mustache."

"Mustache? Yeah, that's all nose hair." I snort in amusement. Justin laughed as I took Kaz's phone and looked at my brother with a big, devious grin. "What're you laughing at?" I take his picture and transform it and show him "elderly Justin". "That's you at forty-five."

Justin groaned and tried to take the phone out of my hands as I quickly hand it back to Kaz.

"Guys, why are you so freaked out about growing older anyway? It's just a part of life." Chase spoke up, "Personally, I am looking forward to aging gracefully."

"Oh, really?" Kaz replied and pointed his phone at Chase's face and snapped a picture of it, "Hmm. 'Cause this is you." He showed my boyfriend the picture of "elderly Chase".

"So? Big deal. That's what everybody looks like when they're eighty." Chase pointed out with a shrug.

"Dude, that's you at forty." Justin corrected.

"What!? Give me!" Chase said while snatching Kaz's phone out of his hands, "Yeah. You're gonna need a new phone 'cause this one just broke." He grabbed my hand as we made our way over to the hyperlift and entered inside.

The two of us stepped into mission command as we both step over to the cyberdesk. "What're we doing in here?" I curiously ask him.

"I am gonna find a way to reverse the aging process, and I want you to help me with this project." Chase answered.

"Sure, why not?" I reply with a small shrug and begin to type on the cyberdesk while Chase gathered the tools.

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