Surprise Birthday Party

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Destiny tossed and turned in her sleep just as she sensed someone approaching her in reality; Justin moved over to the girl's bed and shook her awake, halfway waking her up. "I'm up, I'm up." Destiny murmured, still 99.98% asleep, "What do you want?" She doesn't bother to open her eyes to look at her brother and just pulled the comforter over her head again.

Justin shook her arms again, trying to wake her up. "Hey, are you awake yet?" He started as his sister grumbled something incoherently. He chuckled and remove the comforter a little to reveal part of her face. "Happy birthday, Frosty." Destiny smiled sleepily, her eyes still closed, and snuggled more into her warm comforters.

Justin kissed the top of her head and left out of the room to go downstairs, moving over to the living room. "She still asleep?" Bree inquired curiously as he nodded to confirm it, "Good. Now, onto Operation: Surprise Birthday Party. Chase, you're gonna keep her occupied while the rest of us set up the party, don't let Des know about this. I'll call you when we're ready."

"Got it." Chase replied.

"Skylar and I'll go and invite the other superheroes." Oliver spoke up as Skylar nodded in agreement with that suggestion. 

Bree nod and replied, "Okay, that checks that off of the list. Now, Kaz, Justin, and I will remain here and set up the decorations, make the food and such."

"We're having it here? The penthouse won't hold every one of us, including the superheroes and bionic soldiers." Reece pointed out as Justin nodded in agreement and added, "What if we have it in Aerofexus? Des would love that."

"Perfect. Plus, since Des is the princess over there, the guards and royal staff will most likely help us set the party up." Bree commented.

"It better be perfect, Des deserves it, especially after everything's she has been through." Kaz spoke up as the team nodded in agreement.

"We need to make this birthday a great one because all of her other ones, well, they've all been disastrous." Justin pointed out, his hands on his hips. "I want her to have at least one amazing birthday. Let's make this count."

"Yeah, alright, hands in the middle and 'Elite Force' on three." Oliver commented as the whole group moved their hands on top of each other's in the middle of them and then threw their hands in the air on three and all replied in unison, "Elite Force!"

The seven of them then parted ways as Chase walked up the stairs and entered the girls' dorm, noticing his girlfriend still soundly sleeping in her bed. He moved over to her bed and lightly shook her arms. "Des? Hey, happy birthday, Babe." He heard Destiny mumble something underneath the comforters. "Would you like for me to leave?"

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