Memory Lost

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"Put me down!" I state while the tall bionic guy, which is Adam I think, still had his arms wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms to my side while I was slightly in the air

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"Put me down!" I state while the tall bionic guy, which is Adam I think, still had his arms wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms to my side while I was slightly in the air. "This is called kidnapping. You just kidnapped me! And you can let me go now."

"If we let you go, are you gonna leave to go back there?" Donald questioned me, not looking up from his cyberdesk.

"Obviously." I answer snidely, struggling in the boy's strong grip.

"Then, no, we won't let you go. Not until we find a way to restore your memory." Chase commented, also standing beside Davenport behind the cyberdesk.

"My parents will come for me. You can't just keep me here like a prisoner... I didn't want to have to do this, but you left me with no choice." I reply, blasting the tall boy, Adam, away from me by my energy blast as he crashed into the wall behind us.

"Des, come on. We just want you back. This isn't who you are. You know us." Another guy, Kaz, spoke up.

"I don't know who you guys are. And, I'm leaving." I comment, shooting Oliver, who was starting to approach me, with my ice ability and froze him. "And you can't stop me."

"You're right, we can't." Donald said, slowly approaching me, his hands halfway raised in surrender, "If you don't feel anything towards any one of us, then you can leave. But, I- I know you do, Des. Come on, we're your family. We're your home. Try and remember who you were- are."

I fold my arms across my chest, pouting slightly, saying, "Fine. I'll stay for just a day. That gives you twenty-four hours to help restore my memory. If it doesn't come, then you're wrong and you have the wrong person and you'll let me go. Deal?"

Donald looked hesitant but nodded and replied, "Deal."

Kaz shot his fire power towards the very frozen Oliver and unfroze him from the block of ice that he was trapped inside of currently. "That- That was too cold, even for me, and I- I have the same power." Oliver shivered.

"Chase, how about you take Des and show her around? Help jog her memory? Douglas and I'll stay down here and try to find a way to reverse this, whatever this is." Donald started.

"I'm not going anywhere. I only trust Douglas." I reply, not moving from my spot that I was still standing at, my arms still folded across my chest. Donald, Chase, Oliver, and Kaz looked a little hurt when I had said that. Douglas had a hint of a smile on his face but also sadness.

"Just- Just come on. You once lived here, also." Chase commented, walking over to me and stopped beside me. He gestured for me to go first as I groaned and started walking.

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