The Wish: Pt.1

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"We searched the whole city! Reese, Rodissius, all of them, have just vanished!" Bree exclaimed in exasperation as the team and I walked back into the penthouse, dropping our bags on the floor.

"Why would they have left the city if we're still here?" Oliver wondered aloud, plopping down on the couch in exhaustion.

"Maybe with the superhero list, they have all that they wanted." Kaz suggested, also sitting on the couch beside his best friend and released a sigh.

Justin shook his head after sharing a look with me. "No, they're planning something bigger. They want more than just the superheroes." He walked over to the kitchen where I was at currently.

"They're gonna destroy Centurium City." Skylar murmured, sitting on the couch on Oliver's other side. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. We all haven't been sleeping well these past couple of days- or has it been weeks?

"Why would they even want to destroy this city?" Oliver inquired.

"Because this is our home- and we stood in their way." Chase spoke up, sitting down in the seat across from the couch. He bounced his leg up and down, slightly anxious but more concerned with what they were planning.

"This is just a trick to make us think that all of them are gone, that- that they've just given up. They want us to drop our guards, so that they can catch us unexpectedly... Right?" Bree commented, sitting on one of the stools at the counter.

"We'll find them. We always do. And when we do, we'll defeat them." Chase said, moving over to me and sat beside me at the table and wrapped his arm around the back of my chair. He knew I've been off for awhile, less sarcastic and just more quiet.

Then a loud bang sounded, making the team and I stand up in defense, just as a swarm came down the chimney and into the room by the fireplace. The swarm shifted into Reese then. "What do you want?" Skylar questioned her.

"I didn't come here to fight. I just- I came here to talk but only to Des." Reese answered as everyone looked over at me.

I scoff, saying, "Anything that comes out of your mouth would be a lie." I start to step towards her until I'm inches from her and in front of the team. "You had your chance to talk." My hands start to glow orange.

"Des, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that I hurt you and your team. I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you and... I know I don't deserve your forgiveness and I hope- I hope that I can earn your trust back one day, somehow." Reese replied, throwing everyone off in surprise as my hands stopped glowing. "If it helps, I left my family. What they're planning- It's madness. I realize that now! I don't want to be a part of that." She shook her head and looked down at the floor.

"So, you what? You came back here, expecting to be part of this team? Expecting me to just cave and give you another chance after everything that you've done?" I comment, my voice never raising or lowering but remained oddly calm.

"No. I came back here to warn you. You need to leave, Des. My father and your uncle, they're planning something big, like end of the world big, and it all goes back to you." Reese continued, almost sounding desperate. The team looked like they were believing her whole story, buying every word of hers, as they remain silent and watch the two of us.

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