The Mark

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"So, when did these panic attacks start?" My therapist, Dr. Lana, began as she sat in the rolling chair behind her desk and I sat down on the couch in front of her desk in her office. She knew about me being bionic and also a super. Davenport's the one who scheduled me an appointment with her because he could trust her.

"Um, I don't know. I guess ever since that thief showed up here- who turned out to be me from the future a year from now..." I answer.

"What made you so freaked out about your future self, Destiny?"

"She- I turn to the dark side and, um... She had told me that my friends who's like my family... She said that they die." I reply, folding my hands in my lap as I look down at the floor. "So yeah, I freaked out. I couldn't breathe and I pushed my friends away and ran away- or more so shot into the air to catch my breath... It's, uh, that's been happening a few times a week since." I scratch the back of my leg and move a little. "I just- I get so round up when someone mentions Rodissius or my uncle or Riker and Roman and Reese or whatever danger it may be because I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what, Destiny?"

"Afraid that I- I can't protect my friends and that they're just gonna end up like my family, dead. I'm afraid that I can't save them and that they'll end up getting hurt- because of me... Is that why I have these- these panic attacks? Stress?" I answer the therapist.

"You mean, do I think that this constant worry for your friends is the cause of the panic attacks?" Dr. Lana replied, "Maybe, it could be. But things like that, it hasn't effected you before since that thief... Do you trust your team, your friends?"

"Yeah, completely." I answer without any hesitation.

"But you also thought that you could trust Reese, right?" She inquired with a small nod of her head as she leaned forward in her seat, folding her hands in front of her on the desk. I watch her with furrowed eyebrows now. "And you were wrong. So, how can you trust your own judgement?"

"You think I can't trust my judgement?" I murmur and swallow the lump in the back of my throat, inhaling and exhaling a little bit sharply.

"No. I think you think you can't. Especially when it comes to making yourself so vulnerable to another person, which is why you hide behind that defensive barrier of yours- the sarcasm, the putting up walls and burying your feelings deep down." Dr. Lana commented. "I think if you trusted yourself-"

"I wouldn't have panicked like I've been doing." I murmur as she slowly nodded and replied, "It's a possibility."

"So, what am I supposed to do?" I question her with a soft sigh.

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