You'll Be Okay

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*Two weeks later*

I ran after a runaway who was also an Inhuman; He was fifteen and was just absolutely terrified of waking up from Terrigenesis and suddenly gaining powers. The boy's name was Zach Williams. 

I reach out to him through my Mind Link ability, which is basically the power to link minds with other living beings, sharing thoughts, memories, emotions or feelings, but it only works between every Inhuman and myself apparently.

Zach, listen to me, okay? I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Destiny, Des for short. You're safe, I can help you, please. I speak through his mind telepathically, initiating our bond between one another as it connected. You can trust me, Zach.

The boy stopped in his tracks and faced me, breathless from the run. "You can really help me? Give me the answers to what's happening to me and why?" Zach began, stepping closer to me as he felt the feeling like he can trust me.

"Yeah, I really can help you. I'm just like you. See?" I start, showing him my now glowing bright blue hands and made a metal pole beside him bend into a lowercase 'n' just as my hands stopped glowing. "I can teach you how to control your powers, how to use them, how to be a hero. I can give you a sanctuary, a home, where you won't have to feel afraid anymore and you'll be safe there. But it's your choice, I won't force you."

"I want to go there. Here, people are terrified of me now. I no longer belong..." Zach replied as I put a hand on his shoulder and assure him with a grin, "You're one of us, brother." He smiled and nodded, letting me know that he was now ready to leave.

I open up a portal as the two of us stepped through and appeared in my realm. "Welcome to Aerofexus, Zach, a sanctuary for Inhumans." I comment and teleport us to the castle, appearing inside. We began to walk down the countless halls and up the stairs, me giving him a tour and what this place is all about.

"There are classrooms because everyone can continue their education, so that if or when you guys decide it's time to return back to Earth, you'll be ready." I begin the introduction, "The transformation that you just went through is called Terrigenesis, by the way. Once you're brought here, you'll be trained and evaluated to access what kind of power we're dealing with."

"A Transitioner, which is usually just me, will help the new Inhuman adjust to the physical changes brought on by Terrigenesis and help them discover what their unique power is." I continue, "Next, a Guide, which is also usually just myself, will help that Inhuman learn to control their power."

Zach looked around the place in amazement and immediately felt safe here and at home, a feeling of belonging. "How many of us are there?" He asked curiously.

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