Power Play

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I was at the table, playing Candy Crush 2 on my phone while sitting indian-style in my chair. Chase walked in with a bucket in his hand; He noticed me and moved over to me as I glance up from my game.

He leaned down and kissed me on the lips as I smile and look at the bucket. "What've you been up to anyway?" I ask curiously.

"I just reinforced all the windows with an impenetrable polymer I designed to keep the place safe from any threat." Chase answered, smiling at me. He placed the bucket down and now sat in the chair beside me, his arm lightly around the back of my chair.

"Oh yeah? Well... I just made myself a grilled cheese." Oliver spoke up.

"Yeah? Did you make me one?" I comment, really wanting a grilled cheese sandwich now.

Oliver glanced at his sandwich on his plate, then at me, then once more at his food, and then looked back at me. "No."

"And I asked you to make me one." I slightly pout.

"When did you ask me this?" Oliver questioned.

"Just now. Was you not listening?" I reply.

Skylar then walked into the room and over to us as well. "Mm. Something smells good." She grinned.

"Yup, that's my sandwich." Oliver commented proudly.

Skylar shook her head slightly and replied, "No, smells more like reinforced polymer."

"Oh, you." Oliver said while pointing his finger at Skylar as water shot out of his finger and sprayed the girl in front of him.

"Oliver!" She exclaimed as I lightly toss her a towel from the table. She caught it and wiped her face with it.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident. I'm still trying to get the hang of my powers." Oliver started.

Skylar looked at him and sarcastically remarked, "Oh, you poor thing. It must be hard for you."

"Skylar, that's not what I meant-" Oliver tried again.

"No, no, no, thank you once again for reminding me how you have powers and I don't." Skylar snapped and took his plate with his sandwich on it and was fixing to walk off but stopped beside the table. "Want one?" She asked me and I took one gratefully.

"Thank you, Sky." I comment as she smiled and walked out of the room.

"Alien chicks, am I right?" Oliver remarked towards Chase.

"You do know that I'm sort of like an alien also with me being from another world, right?" I point out.

"I do now." Oliver sheepishly replied.

I take a bite of my grilled cheese sandwich and was fixing to take another bite when Chase took my sandwich from me and took a huge bite of it. "Hey!" I pout.

My boyfriend simply smiled cheekily and handed it back to me, giving me another kiss. I continue to pout, though.

"I still don't get it. If Skylar was born a superhero, why doesn't she have any powers?" Chase asked us in confusion.

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