The End

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I looked in the mirror, my hand on my hip, as I admire the new dress, which looked like a comic book dress, the comics was of Quake. "What're you doing?" I hear my brother ask amused as he stood at the doorway, a tray of salsa and chips in his hands.

"Totally not modeling my dress or anything like that." I answer as he began to laugh. I smirk at him and use my telekinesis to make his tray go up and spill his food on him, his salsa all over his shirt, neck, and part of his chin. I laugh while Justin grinned and moved over to me.

"You're right, this is funny, so funny. But you know what's funnier?" Justin began, still grinning, "How much I love my sister!" He quickly wrapped his arms around me and spun me around in a hug while I complain, "Justin! Stop! Let me down!" Justin put me back down on the floor, pumping his fist in the air, and then moonwalked out of the room in satisfaction while watching me look down at the salsa stain on my dress.

I pout a little, grab my wand, and magically change my outfit; I was now wearing dark skinny denim jeans, a crimson red shirt with my black leather jacket, and black combat boots, my shoulder-length brown hair left down. I tuck my wand into my boot and teleport to the Moore home, cleaning out some of my stuff and flashed back inside of the penthouse, a cardboard box inside of my arms.

"Hey, Des, what's inside of the box?" Skylar asked.

"Some stuff back at our old home. I was cleaning somewhat." I answer, pulling out a folded scooter and looked at my brother, "Justin, here's your scooter. Weren't you looking for it?"

Justin looked at me, slightly annoyed as he took the scooter from me, and replied, "Yeah, when you hid it from me when I was eight."

"Yeah." I laugh a little, placing the box on top of the counter and smiled cheekily. 

He held a magazine in his hand now and looked back at me and commented, "I realize now why I felt so weird about being away and you being gone. It's because cleaning up other people's messes and then being able to silently judge them afterwards is what makes my life complete."

I look at him in amusement and remark, "Did you just say I make your life complete?" He looked away for a few seconds and glanced back at me before replying, "No."

"Oh, my gosh. You miss me!" I grinned, pointing at him lightly as he looked at me fully again and answered in denial, "No, I don't miss you! Pfft. Here, take your magazine. It's the only reason I came here." He handed me the magazine and started walking towards the door as he replied quickly, "Bye!"

"I miss you too!" I call out to him, still smiling while laughing a little. 

Justin stopped and faced me again, also with a small smile on his face, and replied, "You're a punk." 

My grin grew even bigger and reply to him automatically, "And you're a jerk."

"Alright, this what we're gonna do. First of all, take out five dollars." I start, stepping over to my brother as he pulled out a five dollar bill and looked at me curiously and asked, "Why?" 

I take the money and answer simply, "I need five bucks. Second... Do you have five ones for this five?" Justin searched his front left pocket and pulled out five one dollar bills and held it up just as I took that money also and grinned, "Great, because my five was lonely." I walk away in satisfaction.

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