Part 15

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Yet nothing met my foot. I felt gravity do its job as my body leaned back. Our eyes comically went wide at the same time and a scream escaped my throat.

I'm going to die.

Was all I could think before something unimaginable happened. The man appeared right before me and grabbing my outstretched arm, pulled me up. I slammed into his hard chest as he pulled me away from the edge. Only when I felt him rub my back was when I noticed that I was shaking like a leaf. How was he able to run 3-4 meters in a second?

While I was contemplating this astonishing fact, the man let me go and leaned to me. He placed his hand on my cheek and without a word looked at me. If he could speak my language, he would definitely say "Are you alright?", but for us, staring was left. Our eyes met and for a moment I lost myself at how beautiful they looked. I never saw this pulsing blue shade in anyone's eyes but I can't say mine were usual as well. I had, what only 600 people in entire Earth agrees, purple eyes. Some people who looked at them said they were blue, others said it was black and I respect their opinions, but when I looked at them myself in different angles and light, they always appeared dark purple.

I was brought from my eye colour thoughts when I was gently pulled after the man. He snared our fingers together and lead me back into the cave. My eyes went down to our hands. My pale hand looked like paper against his bronze skin.

When we were deep in the cave and he blocked my way to the entrance, he let my hand go. Without looking at him, I walked to the fur bed and picked one. Just like I loved doing it at home, I sat down and cocooned myself with the soft fur, only leaving my face visible. My eyes went to the man who was crouching before the embers and building new fire. I watched as he skillfully hit two stones and sparks went flying. Leaning in, he gently blew air and the fire weakly burst between the logs. With a little bit of shuffling, the fire roared once again.

The man gracefully stood up and turned to me. His eyebrows rose when he saw me and I buried my face into the fur, leaving only eyes as an answer. I wasn't cold or anything, cocooning just became a habit when I was shaken or thoughtful. It always feels as if I'm shielded from the outside and no one can reach me.

The leader walked to me and sat next to me. I instantly guarded myself and watched him suspiciously, but near death event came back and I sighed. I had to thank him for saving me. I unburied my head from the fur and glanced at him. He was watching my every move and that felt weird.

'T-thank you for saving me' I said quietly and fully turned to him. Even if he didn't understand what I said, it still felt good on my heart to say it.

He didn't say anything, obviously, and simply brushed a strand of hair from the side of my face. Then he picked my hand and brought it to his chest, placing it where his heart was. I could feel strong thuds hitting my palm and I looked at him.

'Tlaloc' he said and I blinked at him, confused by what he tried to say to me. He brushed the side of my face again and said my name, then pressed my hand against his heart again and said the word.

Then it hit me.

'Tlaloc' I repeated with the tone of "I've got it!". I saw his blue shade shift in his eyes when I said his name, but couldn't pinpoint why it did. Or maybe my eyes were just playing tricks on me.

Silence stood between us and I looked around the cave absentmindedly. I was definitely not going to sleep since I slept for around 18 hours already and I had a feeling Tlaloc won't go sleeping either since I could run away.

Suddenly, I felt my pelt cocoon being ripped open and I gasped. I gave Tlaloc "what the hell are you doing" look and froze as he held edges of the pelt and looking down saw him frown. I followed his gaze and saw my clothes. He was either frowning at them or my chest. Most likely my clothes since they were really dirty and torn at some places. Did they drag me here?

Tlaloc stood up and went to the crates. I watched him look through them for a minute and then pulled out a light brown pelt with a long leather strip. He brought those things to me and I got the message instantly: I had to take a bath.

Standing up, I took his given clothes and walked away to the bathroom. Good thing I looked around before he woke up. I didn't like the idea of me being dependant on him, but then again, I am in a place where people are living like in stone age and I know 0 things about that lifestyle. Guess I am dependant on him afterall.

Before my self worth went down to unlifting level, I focused on the bath. Setting given clothes on one of the benches, I stripped naked and slowly walked into the water. My muscles screamed in joy as warm water relaxed them which was weird since I didn't feel like I was tense. My body wasn't complaining so I dropped the thought and closed my eyes, enjoying every minute of this bath. Soon I became sleepy as the warm water lulled me with its swaying and warmth. In order not to drown in my sleep, I picked myself up and went to the table. There were two lines of different oil and sniffing through them, I picked nettle oil for my hair and rose oil for my body. I really didn't care if it was a disaster in scents or not, I simply liked the smell.

Going back into the water, I rinsed every millimeter if my skin and every strand of hair until I felt presentable. I dried off with a cloth and picked the clothes I were given. Unfolding it, I saw one shoulder dress that went above the knee. I got my right arm through a hole and folded the sides around me that ended on my left side. I noticed small holes going down the side and picking the leather strip, I began tying the side like a corset. I had no idea if that was how you supposed to wear this dress, but it looked really cute for me. The fur was very soft, almost like a blanket, and I knew that I could fall asleep just by wearing this peace.

I got as much water as possible from my hair and finally left the spring cave.

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