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Credit goes to Bumblemus_Prime and her part she played in this. This story will have snippets from our RP that inspired the story.


The wind howled and whistled as it ran across the desert. It kicked up sand and twirled it around before dropping it again. It seemed as though the wind was playing a game as it tossed the sand. As it traveled the desert a tune could be heard. A soft one which was rare for the person playing. Normally the music was loud and shook the rocks and earth beneath the musician. But not today.

A young Japanese girl lazily strummed her guitar as she hummed. She leaned against her guardian as she sat on his shoulder plate. He smiled a little and closed his optics as he hummed softly. She sighed and continued to strum lazily until a tune came to her head. She shifted and rested her back against the titans neck cables.

"Ever heard this one Bulk?" She asked as she looked at him. She cleared her throat and stared out across the sand. She thought for a few minutes then started to play a few cords. He listened and furrowed his optic ridges at the sad and almost angry tune.

"Is it... the Sound of Silence?" He asked and she stopped playing.

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" She said as she smiled brightly. He chuckled softly but it didn't last long. He sensed she was forcing her cheerful attitude.

"Miko... is there-"

"Now guess what this one is." She interrupted. She was definitely trying to hide her real feelings. She played softly and it sounded quite sad. He furrowed his optic ridges and looked towards her.

"Miko... you-"

"Eeer! Nope wrong! It's called My immortal by Evanescence." She said seriously and smiled brightly. Forced, it was definitely forced.

"N-Now guess this one." She said and he heard her voice waver as she choked back a sob. She played a few cords but lost interest and stared blankly at the horizon. Bulkhead waited for a few minutes then scrunched up his faceplate.

"You already played Sound of Silence." He joked but didn't get a response from her. He carefully took her down and set her in his servos.

"Miko... what's wrong?" He asked gently and she shook her head as she forced a smile again.

"N-Nothing Bulk." She painfully grinned up at him. "I was trying to think of a good song." She said then hung her head as she sat there. He heard her sniffing sadly and he gently rubbed her back soothingly.

"I... I have to go home... back to Japan." She sniffed sadly and looked at him as tears fell down her face. He blinked in surprise and stared at her blankly.

"When?" He asked quietly not trusting himself to speak too much.

"I don't know... my host parents told me... that because my grades are so bad... I have to go back." She whispered as tears fell down her face.

"Then don't go back." He said seriously as he looked at her. "Talk to Raf and Jack, have them help you get your grades up." He said and rubbed her back as she sobbed silently.

"You make it sound easy." She muttered bitterly and wiped her tears away. He chuckled softly and gently nudged her.

"You need to know when to ask for help Miko." He said as he smiled. "I won't let you get taken away." He muttered. She looked at him and smiled brightly then hugged his digits tightly.

"I'll make sure to work hard and get everything done so I can stay." She said as she smiled slightly.

"That's my girl." He rumbled. The wrecker was happy to see a real smile from her. He looked around then hummed as he thought.

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