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The medic yelled in surprise and pain as he felt the pull from the time travel. He had no idea where or when he'd end up. He just knew he couldn't change anything. He grunted as he fell on his chest chassis in a dark alleyway. He opened his optics and they flickered a little. The bot didn't feel good and simply lay there until his strength returned. After a bit, He slowly stood and his optics widened in surprise. Tall structures towered over him and stood proudly as they touched the sky. Everything was full of life and he could hear laughter. The busy but homelike air surrounded the mech like a warm hug.

"Cybertron...." he gasped as he stared up at the tall structures. "It's... not destroyed...." he rasped and set a servo on the building he was by. He looked around as a smile slowly formed. The now familiar area filled him with joy as he looked at the lights, and soft glows of his planet.

"I'm... I'm home... it's not war torn... it's not dead." he whispered as tears filled his optics. He walked out of his hiding place and stared at the buildings. He couldn't believe this and his smile grew. Cybertron in all its glory was before him.

He walked around the familiar streets in awe then ran down a few as his joy grew. He felt young again as he explored his favorite places, his old home beneath his peds and full of life. Forgetting that this wasn't his actual time.

The doctor found himself laughing as he ran through the city and different levels of Cybertron. He was filled with every emotion possible as he continued on his journey. He finally stopped and vented heavily from his run. He looked around with pure joy at the beauty of the giant planet he called home. The place he so longed to be in.

His smile slowly faded as he stood there and thought. Other Cybertronians passed him and glanced at the strange mech. He wasn't shiny and well polished like them, his armor seemed dented and scratched in several places. He didn't seem to care though as he stared towards the sky. He could see it.

No smoke or dust covered the pure and bright stars above him. A small tear fell down his faceplate as he closed his optics again.

"Home..." He whispered again as he stood there for a long time. Just enjoying the peace and normal sounds of his world. No screams of agony or blasting cannons filled his audios. Just talking and happy voices. They way it should be.


Ratchet frowned as he wandered the unfamiliar streets. He had decided to just wander as if looking for something in particular. Though he wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for anymore. The relic glowed a little and seemed to whisper to him. Planting an idea into his processor, but making it appear to be his own idea.

He wanted to find a way to stop Cybertron from being destroyed, but how and to what length would he go?

He grumbled something under his breath and rubbed his faceplate in irritation. He stopped suddenly as he saw a vaguely familiar figure, they were sitting on a crate at the side of the alleyway. He slowly walked down the narrow passage as he hesitantly approached. The figure was staring at his servos blankly. Ratchet stopped suddenly as he recognized the figure. Megatron.

His processor raced as he realized something. He could end the war before it even started. He narrowed his optics and unsheathed his blade. He would end him here and now. If it meant saving his home and everyone on it, he could do it. Megatron was a monster after all and needed to be stopped.

He stayed in the shadows as he slowly walked forward. The young mech looked up and towards him causing the medic to stop. His optics were blue. The doctor hesitated and noticed his surgical blade caught the light, yet he was still hidden.

"Do... I know you?" The young mech asked quietly. Something was different in his optics, he seemed... scared and unsure.

This confused the medic and he noticed the other had some energon on his shaking servos. He seemed vulnerable to the old bot. Ratchet looked around and saw the gladiator ring wasn't too far away.

"No." He finally answered and narrowed his optics. "But it doesn't matter right now. Are you a gladiator?" He asked but knew the answer. The young mech stared at him then glanced at his servos.

"I... suppose..." he mumbled and shook a little. Ratchet was confused by his behavior and looked around. No one was around at all. A thought occurred to the medic and he hesitantly stepped a little closer.

"Was... it your first kill?" He asked coldly knowing the mech would become a mass murderer. The young gladiator shuddered and hugged himself as he nodded slowly.

"I hate the feeling... I don't mind protecting myself or the occasional fight... but actually taking a life... and sending them to the AllSpark..." he trailed off and hung his helm. "It's a horrible realization." He mumbled. Ratchet stared at him blankly for a few minutes then sheathed his blade. He was so young.

Perhaps a little younger then Bumblebee in his own time. How had he become the Megatron he knew? His cause, as he recalled, was pure and innocent at the time. He sighed quietly and watched the young mech shudder as he relived the moment.

"You'll never forget your first kill Megatronus." He said gently and thought for a few minutes. "Listen to me." He said seriously and the mech slowly looked up at him.

"No matter what happens, just remember that violence won't solve your problems. It will actually make it worse and destroy everything you love. Do you understand?" He asked. The young mech just stared at him then nodded slowly.

"There is another way besides violence and killing..." Megatron mumbled. Ratchet nodded slowly as he glared at him.

"Don't you ever forget that." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. They were silent for a few minutes then Ratchet turned and walked away. As he walked around the corner, the relic glowed brightly. He looked at it and his optics widened in surprise.

"Oh no. I-" Everything went white as he was pulled through time. He yelled in frustration and hit the relic a few times as he traveled.

"Useless piece of Unicron spawn!" He shouted angrily as he tried to rip it apart. It pulsed and hit him with a blast of energy. He yelled through gritted teeth before blacking out. He didn't know how long he'd be out this time.


Ratchet slowly opened his optics and stared blankly at the ceiling. He furrowed his ridges, and his processor slowly told him everything was functioning properly. He didn't recognize the ceiling and it just confused him more than anything. Was he in the base? Had he fallen during some test?

He suddenly felt two tiny hands on his shoulder plate and someone grunting. Rafael? He frowned deeply and realized they weren't hands, but servos. Tiny servos. The grunting got closer until a little sparkling sat on his chest plate and grinned happily at him.

"Good morning sire." She grinned excitedly and he just stared at her blankly for a while. She looked like him in some ways, but who-. He suddenly felt an arm slide across his chest plate and a femme sighed forcefully as she rested her helm against his shoulder plate.

"Morning my sweet sparks." She yawned and he looked between the two in utter confusion.

"By the AllSpark..." he gasped as his optics widened in surprise.


Someone help me.... I can't stop writing this story. XD

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