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Arcee went back to where the relic was and tried to use it as she grumbled something under her breath. It didn't work and she blinked in surprise. She tried again but it still wouldn't work.

"I am not staying here. I want to go back to the bots I know. These Cybertronians are... I can't help them..." she whispered and tried pushing the buttons.

"Come on you piece of junk!" She screamed and waved it around. "You got me into this mess, now get me out!" She yelled angrily.

"Um... Arcee?" She jumped in surprise and whipped around to see Cliffjumper.

"Why are you yelling at a relic?" He asked quietly as he walked in. She sighed forcefully and tossed it on the berth.

"Because it won't work." She muttered bitterly and folded her arms. He smiled sadly and walked over then hugged her gently from behind.

"What's it supposed to do?" He asked quietly as he gently kissed her neck cables. She squeezed her optics shut and leaned against him as she fought back tears of hurt. Why couldn't she have him?

"It can... go back in time..." she whispered as she gripped his servos in hers. He hummed a little and she felt the sparkling again. This was her dream, but it was also a nightmare she couldn't fix.

"Why would you want to tamper with time?" He asked quietly. She shook her helm as a few tears fell down her faceplate. He had no idea what he was saying. She turned around and hugged him tightly. She held on to him as she sobbed uncontrollably. He had no idea. He couldn't.

Cliffjumper blinked in surprise as he hugged her and tried to comfort her. She cried for a few minutes then slowly calmed down. She thought for a long time and knew what she had to do. They needed Optimus to reactivate the relic. But he didn't have his memories, so would it still work? It was the only shot to end this horrible nightmare. But it would destroy her current happiness. Maybe she could just meet the kids.

"I know what we need to do..." she whispered and let go of him. She grabbed the relic and quickly took off to the main room as he followed.

"Listen up everyone." She said seriously and looked at them. They turned to look a her and then at each other.

"This might sound crazy to you, but we are going to get Optimus back and fix this whole mess." She stated. They just stared at her blankly for a few minutes.

"Are you crazy?!" Ratchet yelled angrily and narrowed his optics. "How are we supposed to do that?" He asked.

"By surrendering to them." She said seriously and stood taller. Their optics widened and Bumblebee warbled something like a protest.

"Hear me out. Megatron wants nothing more than to feel like he's won. We'll surrender then grab Optimus and come back." She muttered. Ratchet frowned deeply and shook his helm.

"No. That's not going to work. Not without-"

"I wasn't asking for your opinion!" She snapped angrily and glared at him. She honestly didn't care for anyone in this alternate reality. Not anymore.

This wasn't her world and she just wanted to fix things. It didn't matter what happened to them here. It wouldn't effect her actual reality. The others just stared at her blankly for a moment then looked at the floor.

"Anyone else want to protest?" She asked angrily and glared at Ratchet. They didn't respond and just stayed silent.

"Good now contact Megatron." She muttered bitterly and went to the computer. The medic hesitated then called the Nemesis. There wasn't an answer and they called again.

"This had better be good." Megatron growled lowly as he picked up. Arcee rolled her optics and folded her arms.

"Maybe for you. We surrender." She said seriously and the room fell silent. Megatron burst out laughing and they winced at the outburst.

"Oh that is a good one." He chuckled darkly. "I don't have time for your games." He muttered.

"It's not a game." She said and typed in some coordinates. "Meet with us and we will show you just how serious we are." She sent the coordinates and he read them as he narrowed his optics.

"I'll play this game just once. But I don't believe you would give up so easily. Optimus would continue fighting for the cause even-"

"I'm not Optimus." She cut in and narrowed her optics. The room fell silent again and the warlord seemed a little taken aback.

"Be there within the hour." He said seriously and hung up. The bots stared at her and she noticed something she had never seen before.



I apologize for the short chapter....

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