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Once they got back, the others noticed Arcee seemed more at peace. Jack silently went to the human area and sat with the others to do his homework. The femme wandered off somewhere and the team glanced at each other.

"What did you say to her?" Smokescreen asked as he furrowed his optic ridges. Jack glanced at him then at the others for a moment. His gaze stopped on Optimus and the two seemed to have a silent conversation.

"I simply listened." He said and went back to his homework. The rookie blinked a couple times then shrugged slightly. Optimus watched his team wander around then looked at Jack. He nodded ever so slightly and went back to his task.

The next day they found an old energon mine on their scanners. They decided to check it out and got ready to go. Optimus looked at the others then furrowed his optic ridges. He looked at each of them then at Ratchet.

"Where is Smokescreen?" He asked and the others glanced at each other. They were about to answer when the rookie ran into the room.

"Sorry I uh... got caught up with something." He mumbled and rubbed the back of his helm. Optimus stared at him intently then nodded slowly. Ratchet activated the bridge and the team went through the portal.

Once on the other side of the bridge, Optimus silently led his team towards the mine. He activated his mask and transformed his servos into cannons. The team followed his lead and looked around for an ambush. Wheeljack narrowed his optics and watched the area. He stopped suddenly as he saw something then moved in front of the leader and held his arm out. They all stopped and waited for a moment.

"Something isn't right." He mumbled and looked at him. "It's quiet... too quiet." He whispered. They listened intently and realized he was right. Not an animal or insect was making a noise. They heard a click followed by a beep. Wheeljacks optics widened and he stepped back.

"Move!" He shouted as a grenade was flung towards them. Everyone jumped out of the way as the wrecker kicked the small bomb back into the cave. He moved out of the way and heard a yelp of surprise as it went off. Smokescreen watched with wide optics and grinned excitedly.

"I could have done that." He said then looked around. He opened his chest chassis and pulled out the relic of time. Bumblebee shook his helm from diving and looked at his friend. His optics widened in surprise and he stumbled to his peds.

::Smokescreen no!:: he beeped frantically as he reached for him. Optimus whipped around and his optics widened as well.

"Smoke-" the rookie didn't hear the rest as he hit the button. He yelped as he felt the pull then blinked in surprise as he found himself standing with the others.

He quickly hid the relic and looked to the cave. He watched as Wheeljack ran forward then followed him. He stood taller as he stayed in front of the Prime. Optimus looked at them with confusion and was about to say something when they heard the click.

"Grenade!" Smokescreen shouted as he grinned excitedly. This was awesome, he could be the hero. All the time.

Everyone except Wheeljack moved. The wrecker looked at the rookie and furrowed his optic ridges. How did he know there was a grenade? He only knew because of experience. But this bot was just a rookie and didn't even have his helm on straight.

The small bomb was flung out and Smokescreen did a spinning kick and grinned as it shot back into the cave. He grinned more as it blew up and he jumped in the air as he fist pumped.

"Whoo!" He cheered and held his servo up in the air. "High five wrecker!" He shouted and the other bot stared at him blankly.

"How did you know?" He asked seriously and narrowed his optics. Smokescreen hesitated and was about to say something, but nothing came out. Shots were fired and they looked to the cave.

"Take cover." Wheeljack growled lowly and glared at him. He took off and started shooting at the drones. Smokescreen furrowed his optic ridges and wondered why he was so mad. He shrugged and ran off as the team attacked the cons.

Smokescreen fought and got irritated when he messed up. He kept using the relic and didn't realize that over using it would cause a problem. Optimus furrowed his optic ridges and noticed him using it. He glanced at Megatron who also spotted the rookie. Smokescreen was abusing the relic and it's proper use.

"Ha take that!" The rookie said as punched Starscream in the faceplate. "Oh wait... that's not a good line." He mumbled and looked at the relic. "I can do better." He grinned and hit a button. He went back a few seconds and smirked cockily.

"Eat it screamer!" He shouted and punched him hard in the faceplate. "Ha ha! That's good, but I could do a lot better!" He laughed.

"So can I." He heard someone say and looked behind him. Megatron narrowed his optics and the rookie paled. The warlord grabbed his arm and held it up as he looked at the relic. He set his cannon against the rookies chest chassis so he didn't try anything. Optimus narrowed his optics and unsheathed his blade.

"This is how you've been gaining the upper hand against my men." Megatron seethed angrily through gritted teeth.

"Wait... how do you remember?" Smokescreen asked as he furrowed his optic ridges.

"You really are an idiot when it comes to things like this." The warlord growled lowly and started to crush his arm. The rookie cried out in pain and his optics widened as he felt things snapping.

Optimus punched the warlord hard in the faceplate then hit him repeatedly until he let the rookie go. Smokescreen grunted as he hit the ground then gripped his arm as he watched. The leader hit the warlord a few more times then glanced at Smokescreen to make sure he was alright. The rookie saw something in his optics he never thought he would see directed towards him.


Optimus stared at him for a moment then turned and fought the warlord. Smokescreen watched then hung his helm in shame. He would rather fight Megatron than have Optimus give him that look.

He got up and went for cover then worked on getting the relic off. Bumblebee went to his side and tried to help him. He didn't say anything knowing his friend would be chastised later. They had issues trying to get the relic off since some of his plating was crushed around it. Bumblebee warbled something and narrowed his optics.

::This might hurt...:: he beeped seriously and carefully as he could bent the plating.

Smokescreen cried out in pain and grit his teeth as he tried not to fight the scout. His friend winced as he continued to bend it a little. The rookie screamed in pain as tears fell down his faceplate. Bumblebee winced again then quickly pulled on the relic to get it off. It was hard but they managed. The scout was pulling so hard that when it came off it went flying in the air.

::Oh scrap...:: he chirped quietly and got up as Smokescreen winced. ::Don't move.:: he beeped seriously and ran for the relic. Knockout watched and furrowed his optic ridges as he recognized the device.

"Wait... if I can get that..." he mumbled then his optics widened. "I can save Breakdown." He rasped and ran for it.

The con narrowed his optics as he ran past the others. He pushed himself to go faster than the scout. Bumblebee looked up and saw Knockout running towards him. No running for the relic. He ran faster and clenched his servos tightly. They both dived for the relic and grabbed for the device. They stared at each other then glared darkly as they both pulled on it to get it from the other.

"Let go." Knockout growled threateningly as he held on tighter. Bumblebee narrowed his optics and looked around as the two factions rushed towards them. Megatron was running towards Knockout and Optimus was headed towards him. The scout looked at the relic as it started to glow. His optics widened and Knockout seemed confused.

"What in the pits-" He was cut short as the two mechs disappeared. Everyone stopped suddenly and stared at the empty space in surprise.

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